What? Not ANOTHER conspiracy! Yes, my friends, as we delve into the Passover story, we read how Pharoah felt threatened by the Jews, and decided to act treacherously with them. "He said to his people, "Behold! The people, the Children of Israel, are more numerous and stronger than we. Come, let us deal wisely with them…" Exodus 1: 9-10
You see, even in those days, a Pharaoh wasn’t able to do whatever he wanted. Political correctness existed in that time as well. Pharaoh would have had a very hard time having his soldiers commit genocide against the Jewish population who had flourished in Egypt and grew to be a strong part of Egyptian society. And let us not forget that a Jew, Joseph, was the prime minister of all of Egypt, so the Jews had it 'really made', much more so even, than Jews in America today.
Next week, Pharaoh Bush will be coming to Israel. His arrival should be well prepared for, with a strong public stance stating where the red lines are and what lines he cannot cross over when he is here. But we know what the agenda is. We know that Bush is coming here not just for a 60 year birthday party of the Modern State of Israel, but in fact, he is coming in order to deal wisely with us. Behind the handshakes, photo ops and smiles, he is pushing hard for the establishment of a Palestinian terror state carved out of the belly of Israel, before the end of his term is up. He wants to wrest the Jewish people’s land, and hand it to her enemies. He calls this ‘peace’ and he deals wisely with us. Jews are being shot, shelled and bombed, and he tells us that this is the right way to end the bloodshed. He is dealing wisely with us.
Jews in Israel are holding the fort, building new communities, and keeping the land alive with Jewish life. Will our brothers who are still embeded across the sea do their small part? Will American Jewish organizations be bold enough to write a public letter to their president stating firmly their objections to the division of Israel and Jerusalem? Will Jews in America sit by idly as their president comes to Israel demanding an end to Jewish building in our Biblical homeland, the uprooting of Jewish communities and the arming and training of our enemies?..........
(see link above for Tamar's complete article)
So many were snared because they trusted in men (politics) and not God. Jeremiah 17:5
They didn't want to let go of their delusion of peace by way of a powerful U.S. president with a messianic complex who they assumed could deliver on his ego driven illusions of grandeur.
The rational thinkers look east to Iraq and see that their great white hope is running on empty.
The others will never wake up and will follow their god George to the gates of hell.
Slowly but surely Israel is waking up to the fact that peace will only come by way of their Messiah who is not Pharoah Bush.
The blindness is slowly receding as more and more in Israel begin to see the treachery behind the smile of the one who destroys Israel by way of peace. (Daniel 8)
(click above link to hear Tamars radio program from Israel)
Hi Marcel,
Great blog!
Thanks for posting info that others are too cowardly to mention.
In this post you edited out a statement:
"For the most part my warnings were taken as the ravings of a fringe lunatic who was motivated by hate by those who love delusion and hate the truth."
That was and is a very powerful statement and also the testimony of any and all who would dare to speak the whole council of God in the midst of this corrupt and perverse generation. Even more so those who testify in the midst of Mystery Babylon.
May the Lord Jesus cause you to stand steadfast to the end.
Thanks you for bringing that sentence back.
Over the years I've been regularly accused by deceived Christian's and other useful idiots of 'hate' and being a Bush basher.
They've never really come out to my face and said 'stark raving's of a fringe lunatic' although I'm sure those loyal to their god and his false peace would rather see me as such than themselves and their George.
When you really think about it ,who but a raving lunatic would assume such a lofty place to meddle with the Israel of God and steal His land and give it to His enemies selling his lie of peace when there is none.
How could people be so stupid to buy what he is selling when he never delivers on his promise.
They still give this deciever a pass no matter how high and deep the evidence is stacked against him.This is why I charge these deceived Christian's and Jews of IDOLATRY.
Their god can do no wrong !
Who but blind fool's would stand with him and make excuses for his evil driven insanity.
I try to make it clear on this blog that there is a line drawn between the forces of darkness and their George and the Kingdom of God.
The mixture and compromise of the two is bad,corrupt,deadly,soul killing leaven.
If the Lord is God serve Him ......or serve the wolf whose sheeps coat is tattered exposing him for who he really is.
You serve him by your silence towards his Road Map agenda.
His smile can't even hide the evil that fills his heart.
For the past several days I have a deep foreboding in my spirit regarding next weeks visit to Israel by our President. I read today in the news that the State Department if forcing Israel to declare a cease fire with Hamas before the visit.
What concerns me, the foreboding, if you will, is the fact that the Olmert government is already secretly speaking of giving back the Golan Heights to Syria in exchange for a piece of paper with the word Peace on it!
The Golan inhabited by Israel is 460 square miles ( 1200 square kilometers)...If this deal goes through I fear that 460 square miles of California, for example, may drop off into the ocean...Something is going to happen here if this deal goes through and it will be from the Almighty.
I fear for our nation in this regard. Much prayer needs to go forth for God to open the eyes of our leaders regarding our policy toward Israel.
mtzion@hughes.net jrpeacher
I know God's patience with U.S. interference in His agenda with Israel is about over.
I wonder if Christian's understand that 'God is in the whirlwind',
(No deaths but great destruction in 6 minutes in Virgina)
God sends the tornado's and that He raises up foes to come against us ?
"I fear for our nation in this regard. Much prayer needs to go forth for God to open the eyes of our leaders regarding our policy toward Israel."
I stopped praying long ago and told my fellow Christian's that God was not hearing their 7 years of praying for the president.
He has become more arrogant and heardened his heart even more after many,many warnings from many many people God has sent his way.
What more can God do ?
He exudes a skull & bones pride from hell and satan himself.
A lot of what this evil man is doing against Israel is behind closed doors and we never hear about it in the government controlled media.
We have been restraining and limiting Israel in fighting those intent on their destruction.
Evil liar Bush calls Fatah terrorist leader Abbas a credible peace partner.
The U.S. is the greatest threat to Israel's survival and this is one of many reasons why the Lord will knock us into the dust.
I'm going to post 2 items which concern me today and they both deal with Iran
............also ,the U.S. makes sure only weak,subservient, loyal lap dog's and stooges of failed U.S. dictated Israel policy are elected and kept in power.
This trampling of Israel's sovereignty and manipulating of Israel will end soon ,thank God !
Only He can end it and this is what I have been praying for since Bush's vision from hell Road Map came into play.
There wil be no Palestinians state no matter how much evil Bush wants it.
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