Tuesday, May 07, 2013

Russia Paints More Red on Syria Red Line

Putin warns Israel not to strike Damascus again

Russia,the UN,China and the world pressure Israel to be good little Jews and not resist the peace of Islamic rockets over their cities.
Hussein Obama has been playing this game since his criminal regime took power in this now cursed nation just as Bush and Clinton before him.
Obama tells Israel to wait until it's too late while he does everything he can to make sure Iran achieves it's nuclear ambitions.
It looks like Israel might have finally awakened to Obama's crafty stalling tactic.
Jews are forbidden by the new world order to fight and defeat any other Arab armies again.
They are required to board the cattle cars of the peace of the grave in submission and silence.
The deck and the rules are stacked against Israel and this will bring the LORD into this fight against all the nations.
I have yet to see any reports in the pervert,propaganda global media where the UN are completely responsible for failing to keep Hizbollah from rearming under UN Resolution 1701 after the Second Lebanon War in the summer of 2006.
Israel now realizes the futility of putting their trust in mankind's corrupt failed system for their security.
It is the only nation subject to this hypocritical and evil abuse by the nations of the world.
The bible says that great destruction is coming soon to Israel's enemies and the hypocrite nations which trouble Israel ,AMEN !!!

Soon Lebanon will be Lebagone

because they allowed in a nest of rats and their rockets to target Israel.

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