Friday, July 08, 2005

Hurricane Dennis the $3 Billion Menace ?

Munich RE estimates Dennis to cost between $3-$5 Billion

"Max Mayfield, director of the hurricane center, said Dennis is unusually strong for a hurricane this early in the season.
"This is a very, very dangerous hurricane," Mayfield said. "No matter where this hurricane makes landfall, it's going to have a big, big impact over a very large area."
Dangerous storm surges will cover barrier islands and push into many bays from Alabama to Florida, Mayfield said."

The day after the Islamic attack in London ; "British Prime Minister Tony Blair on Friday,July 8th announced that the G-8 countries had agreed on a $3 billion package in aid for the Palestinian Authority.
This after ongoing daily terrorist attacks against israeli cities and lack of any effort from terrorist chief Abbas to put on even a show of a good temporary truce before his final push to off Israel ?
Who say's terrorism dosn't pay ?
George and Tony and the others are leading us to hell using tax payer money to gift the killers of Jews for their good effort.
In Israel the thought police of P.M. Sharon arrest and intimidate all who would dare speak out against the Bush Final Solution for Israel.
One of the few voices bold enough to speak out,Nadia Matar, has been threatened with arrest.
Pray for her as these modern day Kapo's and Judenrats attempt to silence all opposition.
The heat is on !
I recieved a call from Washington yesterday here in the backwoods of Florida under false pretense and am aware that the emerging police state of herr Bush will eventually go after those who expose them and their EVIL plans. Freedom and democracy are more of his great lies.

History is repeating itself before our eyes and once again only a small remnant are awake.
Yesterday,I read a report on all the deadly weapons Mr Bush continue to flood into Egypt. Here's an exerpt from it ;

"You can add over 200 special Humvees, numerous half track trucks, Chevy heavy duty Dually trucks, and well over 200 M-109 assault Tanks all shipped to the Port of Alexandria, Egypt. The last of the tanks I saw went out last week. I worked at the Port in N.C. where these were brought in on flat bed trucks over the last few months."

Gee,I wonder which country Egypt is planning to go to war with ?

If Pax Americana under the Bush Road Map is breaking out over there why the massive amount of weapons ?
The above is just the tip of the iceberg that the media never seems to report on or cover.

I'll tell you what's going on, it's the dismemberment and removal of Israel in stages.
It's been the same plan since 1948 only now, the timing is perfect.
Israel is lulled to sleep by the promise of peace, and the few who are awake help their enemy in every imaginable and unimaginable way to kill their nation.

The remnant of Israel who see and understand cry out to the Holy One of Israel,knowing He is Israel's only hope.

Israel goes silently to the slaughter, hand in hand with her new exterminator in designer cowboy boots as he sings his peace ballad of lies to them.
They willingly follow this Pied Piper from hell with less resistance than their relatives gave to the last Pied Piper from hell.

In this INSANE, crazy mixed up world, Israel is the big loser with the London atack.
Even though all the attackers were followers of Allah doing their religious duty on the infidels , $3 billion to the front line Palestinian storm troopers the day after reveals where allegiances lie .
Israel never gets gifts like this after they are attacked by the same Islamic forces.
Already the global media trip over themselves dragging as many of us as they can to their re-education camps.
The Orwellian New World ,teaching us that Islam is 'not violent,but peaceful' is upon us.
They even hide the grim evidence from us of Islam's handiwork and chief export after oil.
That might awaken the sleeping and the brainwashed to the real threat we face from Islam.
The elites won't permit this in their tightly managed propaganda and dis-information operations.
It's a tight spiders web of lies and deception with Israel the only fall guy in the script.
Tonight as I write this ,Hurricane Dennis barrels into the Gulf of Mexico promising to gain strength and intensity before it hit's the mainland U.S. I wonder about the possibility of Hurricane Dennis exacting $3 billion in damage on the U.S. ?
We are living in interesting times.
If this were to happen less than 48 hours after the $3 billion gift to those intent on Israel's destruction, would anyone get the message ?
I doubt it !


  1. Wow, great commentary, Marcel! I had similar feelings after hearing about the 3billion aid package RIGHT after the London attacks....simply scratching my head. It makes very little sense but i sure hope they're going to put intense strings attached to this money.

  2. Esther,
    Not even microscopic strings. The Palestinians have a green light always no matter what they do.
    It's the Pslams 83:3-5 plan in effect now.
    Don't for a second think this will awaken the west to Israel's plight. In fact ,I guarantee you that more pressure will be applied to Israel after this.
    They ALL betray ,sell out Israel in a second to save their skin.
    Latest news is that Blair blames the problem in the Mid East for the bombing.And we all know whom they see as the problem. Israel will always be their scapegoat of choice.These amoral men do not have the courage to stand up for right ,good or truth. Their evil and corrupt hearts only know to bribe with their billion$.
