Monday, July 11, 2005


There are a few things I've noticed that reveal what lies ahead for us.
The West is bankrupt ,morally,spiritually and economically and all they have left is hot air to pontificate and appease the sword of Islam with.
Their great swelling words are just empty meaningless rhetoric and lies.
They can't save themselves ,let alone Africa.
Islam is not , is not a religion of peace ,but intolerant and evil and false at the core .
The false prophets and leaders of the west will come against Israel and her supporters with more vengeance than they will against Islam (see Zechariah 14:2)
Hypocrites always do !
They have put themselves in the same corner they have placed Israel in.
If they crack down on the Moslems in their back yard ,they're in trouble,if they don't they're in trouble.

Payback is always hell especially when it's initiated by God and His infinite wisdom.
He doesn't suffer hypocrites for too long.
There is a higher court than the one in the Hague and it seems that the demi-gods of the west are blind to this very real power above them.
I think the day's of Western hubris,especially America's, are numbered.
The question is ;When will God answer America's gross arrogance in assuming to divide up His land to His enemies ?
A word to faithful remnant of Israel ;
This is God's fight more than it is yours !
The Iraq debacle is a warning to ISRAEL not to blindly go along with another failed superpower peace plan.
Israel puts way too much faith in failed politicians who continue to blunder.
The U.S. Military has failed in it's beltway managed attempt to pacify Islam in Iraq with democracy and freedom.
After wasting over $300 billion dollars ,Iraq is a satellite state of Iran thanks to the eastern establishment elitist Mr. Bush.
They won't tell you this ,but that's what they've accomplished.
This Emperor has not a stitch of clothes.
Israel is and will continue to be the bone they throw to the enemy.The naive and intellectual Jew who believe that the west will be fair and reasonable in their actions related to Israel suffer from serious delusions that nothing seems to awaken them from.
The Bush Road Map is a recipe for Israel's extermination and should be opposed as such.
Yet most Jewish writers continue to approach this outright threat and enemy in a groveling and beggardly fashion,fearful of angering the monster, cloaked as a friend.
There is too much silence on this plan to remove Jews from their land and replace it with a terrorist Islamic Palestinian state, a bone to the dog's of jihad.
It seem that there is a collective denial on this reality by much of Israel.
They refuse to see the one who divides Israel for who he really is. They can't believe the truth.
They won't, even with the mounting pile of evidence.They suffer ignorance because all their eggs are in the political basket and are bereft of any real faith in the Holy One of Israel. They are the vertically challenged who only bow to failed men.
They just can't let go of their little idols ,whether left or right leaning.
So they ignore the cracks and flaws in their little god's, built by their own hands .
These blind writers and commentators lead their blind followers into confusion and hopelessness ,not to mention deception.America won't save you Israel !The limited focus on Sharon and his disengagement(surrender) ignores the global machine that is behind Israel's quisling political leader's surrender of Israel's sovereignty to a catastrophic foreign agenda for her.
They've have the same agenda against the Jews for thousands of years.
What blindness and insanity to assume the descendants of Haman have turned into a benevolent,reasonable and kind gentlemen towards the Jewish people.We will see more divine justice on these nations who assume to trifle with the Israel of God.Look for the catastrophe that they attempt to bring on Israel and the Jews under the lie of peace to fall upon themselves and their respective nations.
Be forewarned ,God's just retribution is in effect for all hypocrite's and the nations they lead, and His patience has reached it's end.
The storm clouds are on the horizon.
Beth Goodtree writes on this related to Blair and the U.K.

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