Friday, July 22, 2005

U.S. Behind the Sharon Gaza Retreat and Surrender

I've been telling my sleeping Jewish friends for a long time that it was the U.S. which was behind the Sharon retreat and surrender,also known as 'disengagement'.
They said ; Oh no ,this was all Sharon's plan , all by himself. Bush good ,Sharon Bad ,Bush friend ,Sharon Bad was the chime of the blind mice.
Nothing I said awakened them to the real threat behind Israel's capitulation to Islam's step by step dismemberment with a little help from the devious man in Washington.
They refused to belive me and ignored what I said as the rantings of a rabid Bush hater.
The fact is ,I'm a conservative who saw thru the fake christian conservative Bush a long time ago.
Bush is all New World Order. The NWO agenda spells catastrophe for Israel and there are many phony supporters of Israel in our midst who remain silent to this grave threat that begins with Gaza and ends with no more Israel.
They have elevated George to godlike status ,and he can do no wrong in their eyes.

Even after Mr. Bush came out with his plan to divide up Israel as a reward for Islamic terrorism, most brain dead Jews still can't figure out that this is the new version of Hitler's final solution.
The only way I can explain their incredible blindness and stupidity is that they walk in spiritual darkness and are easily seduced by the prince of darkness .
This same prince of darkness,Satan is the chief strategist behind the removal of Israel.
Employing Mr. Bush as the lynchpin for his clever and diabolical peace plan was a clever sinister move as the majority of Israel are so duped into destruction by a FALSE peace that they work hard for their own end.

The dumber than dirt Israeli Ambassador to the U.S. ,Danny Aylon believes and states that the terrorists will disarm their fellow terrorists once Israel retreats.
I guess this fool has forgotten what happended in South Lebanon when Israel retreated under fire.The greater threat of Hezbollah has filled in the vaccum.
How do fools like this get in positions of power ?
Here below are the words of Danny Alon from his own mouth as to who is behind Israel's surrender and retreat.

"The pullout agreement with the White House is more important than an agreement with the PA, the ambassador asserted. "Disengagement has to be viewed in the context of Israel-United States relations," he stated. "This pullout did not follow an agreement with the Palestinians, but it followed something which is much more important, an agreement with the United States. Disengagement is something that creates a common agenda between us and the United States."

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