Tuesday, September 06, 2005


The gulf between those who speak the truth and those who sell and push lies in Israel grows wider.
There are many many who masquerade as supporters of Israel who are wolves who spend their time covering for evil men who divide Israel.
The majority including most of the Jewish Zionist leadership are the blind who lead the blind.
There are a few who speak the pure and bitter truth.
Because the truth is so unpopular,the majority of writers and supporters of Israel compromise and water it down in order to remain in the good graces of the living dead .
I found this most important article by CALE HAHN at Arutz Sheva
Click on the link above to read the truth if you are tired of the lies and watered down garbage that most writers in Israel feed their lame and blind readers.
They innoculate the majority against the truth and are therefore servants of hell and the father of lies.
These are the same ilk who comforted their fellow Jews on the way to the gas chambers, putting them at ease ,telling them that the devil's own in Washington means no harm to Israel.
It's not politically correct to call evil what it is so they clean it up and make it respectable.
Those who call a spade a spade are distanced and called extremist by their own.
The Gulf widens as God seperates the wheat from the chaff.
How much do you love the truth ? Enough to say it ? Or do you have one foot in darkness,and one in the light ,living in a mixture of gray.
You won't make it in the gray.
You will have the acceptance of the larger crowd , having sold out for their worthless honor and respect at the expense of the truth.
What side are you on ? God's side or His enemies.
There is no middle ground, no gray area of compromise left any longer !

1 comment:

  1. I linked to you and this article. May the Most High bless you, brother, for speaking the truth.
