Wednesday, September 14, 2005


Israel's partners for peace reveal their true heart and desire.
They destroy,burn and kill anything and everything of Jewish origin,and yet the great lie
of false peace call the ROAD MAP continues full speed.
Could it be that our leaders can't see that the Palestinians have no intention of any peace
with their non-moslem infidel 'peace' partners ?
Could they be that blind to have missed the orgy of fire and destruction aimed at Jewish holy places ?
REALITY is completly ignored as the evil men gather at the U.N. to celebrate failure under the lie of progress.
There is no doubt that every leader is under the influence of the prince of the power of the air, Satan himself and they proceed with his 'Destroy Israel' agenda.
Even Israel's own Prime Minister works overtime for this evil plan and the sheep are once again corraled onto the cattle cars , with only a few bleating in resistance .
The situation looks hopeless, but there is a God in Heaven who will have the last word and then all the earth will know who truly rules over the affairs of men. It's not the United Nations !

The latest Palestinian festival of destruction is just more evidence of the farce called peace that the media needs to cover up to continue the deception.
The lie of peace continues and men of dishonor who follow in the steps of Neville Chamberlain lead us into an even greater holocaust.
They have embraced lies and made a covenant with hell and death and soon we will reap what the fools have sown.
The Road Map which Israel has hitched her soul to will pay great dividens of death and destruction ,and not a kilogram of peace.
Yet Israel races forward to the abyss in a dance with those who are commited to her destruction.
Israel cannot retaliate , will not retaliate , she has chose to become a slave in servitude to American interests and does not have permission to defend herself any longer.
A nation of slaves who once again bow to a god of false peace on a far western shore which only delivers death to them.
Sharon has run there to fill up on more delusion and lies.


  1. Not only do they destroy the synagogues, but also the greenhouses that are supposed to be left for their own benefit and improving their economy. I think that so much shows the kind of people the palestinians are.
    So, so sad that so many are falling for all of this. So many will not listen and say that He comes as a thief, ignoring the scriptures that say that we are to watch so we aren't overtaken as a thief in a house that is not watched over. So sad that they do not watch and know the season is here and His return is very soon.

  2. Ah, but now Gaza is, in effect, an independent state. That means that Israel can deal with the Palestinians on a state-to-state basis.

    And that means that Israel can formally go to war against the Palestinians. So a vigorous carpet bombing following every terrorist attack in Israel would be appropriate.

  3. John,
    Israel couldn't even deal decisivly with this terrorist entity before it was rewarded with higher ststus by Israel and the corrupt nations of the world (as appeasment to Islam)
    You are living in delusion and denial as Israel has surrendered to the Palestinian enemy instead of defeating them ,this was done in order to please Mr. Road Map and this is evident that Israel has sold it's soul for a covenant with death and hell.
    Today Israel needs permission to defend itself and is not permitted to go after the terrorists under it's slave status to Geeorge and the U.S. agenda . Israel is so neutered and sissified,Sharon couldn't get Pollard released.
