Monday, September 26, 2005

how democracy feeds terror

The globalist New World Order Cabal , fools that they are, assume to use democracy to tame Islam and bring global peace, motivated only by economic interests.
Their unmitigated failure in Iraq cannot be spun into success no matter
how hard they try. Their only success has been in dumbing down the American people
who for the most part are clueless to their governments true intentions.
Their Satan inspired black hole continues to devour everything and everyone
in it's path.
Iran and Syria are in this explosive nuclear path.
When they say peace and security then sudden destruction ..............

The Bush fools who assumed to bring corrupt American style
'fReEdoM & dumbOCRacY have unleash global armageddon.

I am convinced more and more daily that George Bush is the rider on the white horse
of Revelation 6:2 which leads to the rider on the red horse and then the black horse and then the ashen horse. George will not bring peace but the exact opposite.
What will so many of these decieved Christians say on judgment day ?


  1. This administration's mistake is violating the first rule of war - know your enemy. If they had studied Islam, they would not have pursuse this democracry strategy. It will fail. Then they ignored the second rule - divide and conquer, or as I prefer, divide and weaken. The way to weaken (I doubt Islam can be destroyed for many years) is to discreetly stir up all the internecine conflicts (shia vs sunni, border disputes between Muslim countries, ethnic conflicts). Let them stay busy kiling each other. Cut off the jizya. Stop Muslim immigration to Dar al-Harb. This strategy cost little and few infidel lives. But alas, by ignoring the first two rules of war, they have delayed our victory, or worse case, assured Islam's victory.

    Think how much research and infrastructure for alternative energy we could have developed for the $300 billion the Iraq war has cost.

  2. Our stupid leaders are trying to have it both ways.
    These doubleminded hypocrites reward Islamic terrorism against Israel and bring chaos to Iraq with their incredlible stupidity.
    All this is more evidence that we are ruled by idiots ,and as I've said before this is one of the many SURE SIGNS that God's judgment is upon this nation. We have forgotten Who made us great and now full of ourselves we become an open cesspool of a nation.
