Thursday, September 01, 2005


What we see unfolding with free roaming gangs of looters that the police are unwilling and incapable of stopping spells the break down of law and order in America.
This is a foretast of what awaits every large city in the U.S. in the coming days.
Already the price of fuels spirals out of control.
We've been busy assumiing to fix the world while we sink in our own deep muck. Katrina has revealed the dark side of our land.

The greed ,corruption,lawlessness,rampant looting and destruction should humble our incredible arrogance and turn us inward to fix our own cesspool .
The cost of the U.S. dividing Israel for a false peace will continue to rise to catastrophic proportions.

1 comment:

  1. I saw your post on Shiloh Musings and followed it to your blog. You are definitely on the same page with my wife and myself. We are looking forward to reading your blog and will most definitely add you to our sites.
