Wednesday, October 12, 2005

America You are Sinking, Soon to be Drowning

America You are Sinking, Soon to be Drowning

As I live, Saith the Lord. America, your days are numbered and the time of your demise is at hand. Are you so blind and deaf as to not see and hear what is going on around you.
The earthquakes, the hurricanes, tidal waves and solar upheavals, do they not seem unusual to you?
Have you not heard of even the fish and birds fleeing from your shores. Since you worship the Earth and not the God who created it will the earth save you? You look for answers by calling for the spirits of the dead and yet fail to call upon me, the Living God.
Your hearts have become so hardened that the weak and helpless amongst you are left to die in a most horrible way.
Why have my ministers been silent about my revealed word you ask?
It is because they seek the praise of men rather than the approval of the Living God.

America you have not realized that a little leaven, leaven the whole loaf.

Instead you have allowed the evil leaven factory to arise within your country to affect the whole earth. Could you do any more to provoke the holy one of Israel's wrath. You worry about your retirement and yet you cannot see the end to all you hold dear in the financial arena.
You trust the very ones who are stealing you blind to make good in the future what you have no power over.
Now hear the judgment thatis befalling you.Your leaders that have been placed before you will go mad! They will become more erratic and indecisive.
Rioting, looting and murder will take all your tranquility from you. Everything that you have known as normal will flee away as a dream in the night because of the gross and grievious sins that have taken place in your nation. I will make known to the world the wickedness of your rulers sins and expose them for all to see.
The birth pains of destruction will increase with intensity with no time outs between them.
Millions who have shut their eyes to the needs of the homeless will be wanderers for the rest of their lives unless they repent.
Even now, foreign armies prepare to invade your coasts and slay without mercy.
The cities who have given themselves over to the appetite of Sodom will disappear as I bring my judgment upon them.
The wild beasts will multiply and feast on the carcass's of the dead and dieing. Disease, famine, and pestilence will acellerate to the point that the reports of the carnage will overwhelm your senses.
Repent and turn to me with all your hearts with weeping and fasting and call upon the name of Jesus who is your only salvation, deliverance, and protection from what is to come.

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