Monday, November 21, 2005

The Cost of Betrayal

Sunday , I watched media propaganda of the President visiting a state sanctioned church in China . He commented on the spirit and love there.

It seems his core support,(dumb Christian's) is down so he needed a 5 second media byte to get his numbers back up. The dumb Christian always falls easily for not so sublte propaganda.

What exposes this show of the president is his failure to do the same thing in Saudi Arabia.
This hypocrite close friends don't permit Churches or worship of any but allah there and he has never presured them in any real way to change .
It's only been the token window dressing kind of change for his brutal radical Islamist freinds who keep the oil flowing west at a reasonable price.
He did pressure China to change though.
Little does Bush realize that it is America which is about to change , forever.
Our great pride is about to be humblesd to the dust.

You have to be a great fool to trust any politicians these days,and my fellow Christians are the most naive and easily seduced by Satan with staged soundbytes.

President George has pressured the Jews of Israel INTENSLY though continually and without let up while applying no real pressure on the murderous Palestinian's .
Just empty words ,non binding requests that are never expected to be fulfilled.
They have a magical pass while Israel must bleed for his fake peace plan.

Anyone see the Devil in the details here ?

We in America are beginning to recieve the reward for our betrayal of Israel .
By dividing up their meager sliver of real estate to the Islamic hordes under the false
peace of President Bush we have incurred the wrath of God.
Even the ground President Bush stands on shakes under his feet.
He cannot save himself ,nor can he save America.
As a nation we have rejected our only hope, the One who made us great.
We're no longer great , now just living off the fumes and illusions.

Dividing Israel for the false peace Road Map

It's not just this one issue which brings us to our end, but it is the capstone on a wicked empire which has rejected the living God .
It is the proverbial straw which has broken the camels back ,the camel in this instance being America.
The political divisions between left and right will continue to widen as we sink into a major econimic depression.
Major earthquakes will tear apart our cities as will avian flu.
We are at the beginning of great tribulation and those who lead us are as clueless as their loyal sheep .
Those decieved Christian's who put their trust in political affiliation or it's economic wing will find their idol unable to save them.
Those who rejected God's warnings and failed to prepare will suffer greatly.
America is about to go whare it's has never been before .
The pit is opened wide and much destruction and death is coming our way.
Repent, turn away from ever sin which blinds and entangles you and seek God WHILE THERE IS STILL TIME.

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