Wednesday, November 02, 2005

France in 8th Day of Islamic Civil War


It's began in the suburbs of Paris and is spreading.
Chirac is worried about this most grave threat to France.
Latest :

For the first four day's I've followed this story ,the WORTHLESS Media informed us that it was
' N. African' rioters.
Finally , on the fifth day they used the ' M' word , MOSLEMS
Over the years I've watched as the French went out of their way to take the Palestinian/Islamic side against Israel in their most arrogant and uppity fashion.
The arrogant snob's who spit on Israel to gain points with the Arab's recieve their reward now !
Always saying it is the Jews fault , and those Jews are so mean to those poor , pitiful Palestinian moslem's.
Now the moslems turn the screws on France.

How many times was Islamic terrorist head Arafat with innocent blood dripping from his hands, celebrated and feted by the French ,the German's , Canada,the British and America's rat, Bill Clinton ?

I won't let you forget that it was his cousin George Bush who came to Yasser Arafat's rescue when P.M. Sharon had the Ramallah Mukhtada surrounded and was destroying it building by building and promising to finally kill the terrorist murder in2003 .
It's no wonder our devious, double minded leaders can't find Osama or the Al Queida in Iraq's Zawahiri or Zakharwi .

Divine justice does have a way of coming around to bite the deserving recipients.
Even though it is sometimes slow in coming ,come it will !
Now the French taste something bitter they themselves have cooked up,and it will not go away soon.
I'm sure they'll find a way to blame the Jews as Paris burns.
The chickens have finally come home to roost.
If the French act with a firm hands they are doomed ,if they act like nice french girls and raise their skirts higher they are in for the same treatment Israel has recieved as payment for their APPEASMENT & SURRENDER to the satanic forces of Islam which only seek to dominate the world.
The same situation will come to pass in Canada and Germany and Britan and the U.S.
We (goyim) will all get a big taste of the hypocrisy that we have dished out to Israel .
It's fitting judgment for selling out the Jew's piecemeal to the barbarians at the gate !

1 comment:

  1. any reason to burn down the city is acceptable to followers of allah. In Israel the followers of allah make up lies and they are quite proud of their blood lust and murderous ways Day 8 in paris and it's getting worse ,thet're shhoting at the frence police and fire. Now the fools of France have awakened to what Israel has been dealing with, the French are even firing bullets ,what they told Israel was a no,no. What bastard hypocrites we are in the west !
