Wednesday, November 23, 2005

ISLAM & the New World Order Are Not Mixing Well

There's a lot of spin coming from the Government media complex on the phony 'war
on terror'.
After billions of dollars to build their New World Order in Islamic Afghanistan and Iraq
things are not getting better but worse.
The idiot elite were unaware that Islam would always view them and the west as infidel
unbelievers and therefore resist their globalist plans.
These satan inspired fools actually believed their money and power would just pave the way for their materialistic centered empire to cover the earth.

A McDonalds and a Wal Mart Super Center in ever village and 24/7 commericial's and advertising spouting the new cars and new pills a must for everyone and their particular ailment and desire. The mind numb consumers obeying religiously their duty to shop and keep the coffer's of their master full.

You have to take the time and dig deep for the truth in these dark days of Satanic deception as he builds up his global government to eventually worship and serve him.
The article above reports on the resurgence of the Taliban in Afghanistan.
The elite rulers assumed they could harness Islam as they have most of Christianity for their end game.
A larger number moslems have proven to be much more violent and zealous against their NWO plan .
The scheme which President Bush calls 'bringing democracy and freedom to the world '
We don't even have a TRUE representative government here in the U.S. any longer and the majority of U.S. citizen's have been dumbed down ,decieved by the servants of satan who prepare the way for his arrival.
The longer WESTERN troops remain in Islamic countries the more war, death and destruction we will see, it's the nature of the BEAST .
Anything but real peace is what the plan of the U.S. elites is bringing to planet earth.
Are you hooked up with these great decievers who serve satan and his plan to unite the world under his rule ?
Have you been blinded to the true intent of this superpower empite .
It is not serving Messiah Jesus , and if you fail to see this you are under THE strong delusion.


  1. Today ,America is the beast whose armies encompass the globe and builds Satan's commerece driven New World Order.
    There is a reason the U.N. is parked in the U.S.
    Jeremiah 51 &
    Revelation 18 point to America

  2. Well, Marcel, I am all for kicking the UN out of the US, and for the US to get the hell out of Iraq. I guess you could say Bush and his guys and gal are playing into the hands of Satan. Their ignorance of Islam, the true 'Beast' in the room, could also be figuratively described as the 'work of Satan' or just plain stupidity and ignorance.

    It is also disturbing to see how the Islamics have infiltrated our government and corrupted it, our school textbooks, our middle east studies, our courts, well you get the idea.

    Plenty of Satans to go around.

  3. Axis wrote;
    "It is also disturbing to see how the Islamics have infiltrated our government and corrupted it".

    I used to fall for the phony Republican,Right Wing call to get rid of the U.N.
    Since then I've learned that the U.N. is a branch of the U.S. Government. Both the Right and the Left are in on the scam. Just look at the PRIMARY supplier of fund$ to the U.N.
    American's have been duped !
    Many gullible and naive voters elected the chief Islamist supporter as their president.

    We American's really don't have a choice anymore when we vote.
    What the head NWO Beast George has done is bring about the Islamic Republic of Iraq which is lining up with radical Iran.
    The Islamic beast in Iraq was tamed and in a cage before George got there ,Now the beast has been unleashed ,freed from it's cage.
    Isn't freedom wonderful !
    After we leave Iraq will be more radical,it's already a place of chaos and death.The corrupt ,lying politicians who so easily decieve dumbed down Americans will have to spin success and mission accomplished for their $300 billion dollars flushed down the toilet. I would bet that the true number is closer to $500 billion wasted for nothing ,nbut them most Americans are more worried about getting their xBox and Jessica's new single status.
