Saturday, November 05, 2005

Islamization of France


Worst Night Yet !

The weak French have already surrended.
The Moslems understand weakness and they are taking every advantage to burn France
to the gound. This jihad has spread to all corners of France and don't let the dis-information media fool you ,it is an Islamic jihad against the infidel French.

Just as it has in Israel,the European socialist mindset only fuels the fires and allah's warriors know that their time has come to burn down the old and raise up the minaret's.

The politically correct French fools talk about poverty, jobs and the plight of the poor immigrants.
They don't have the common sense that their ancestors had when France was first overun with the Islamic hordes .

My French cousins are in a serious pickle ,they've invited the poisonious snakes in and now the snakes are biting and biting and biting some more.
Their socially suicidal mindest which see's this as an economic problem won't allow them to remove or kill the snakes , especially after telling Israel it was not the proper thing to do with their deadly venemous snake's. So hell pays a long overdue visit to once peaceful,pastoral France and the french can't shut the door.
Surrender, and a prayer rug for every one is all the Politicians can do.

Give them more money, give homes, give money , give jobs, give,give, and give then surrender to the snakes and hope they won't bite any more.
Sounds like appeasment to me.
The French are then slaves to the moslems under threat of burning down their country for the least excuse, any reason and the snakes will burn it down.
This is all the hopeless French have to go with.
Their hands are tied as they tied Israel's hands.

France is now in a similar position that they help put Israel in by hindering and weakening Israel's defense and sending billions of franc's to help the venemous snakes around Israel.
The Intifada has spread and is more organized and I predict about to grow deadly.
So France burns and the poor stuipd French do not yet realize that judgment has come to their land . We in the U.S. will see the same chaos ,destruction and burning cities.
There is a God and He judges wickedness and our cup overflows with it ,so as sure as the sun rises watch for it to come to a town near you.
Don't believe the false prophets and false teachers of our day and their lies that all is well.
The season has changed and we have come into the season of God's wrath upon a wicked earth and who shall escape His judgments ?

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