Saturday, December 03, 2005

When Federal Deception Becomes Reality
by Nancy Levant -
November 26, 2005 -

It’s hard to imagine the level of paranoia that the federal government must be experiencing. Between the insanity of badly orchestrated lies, which precipitated our involvement in all the wars in the Mid-East, bureaucratically induced environmentalism, and now the “storm” induced military-turned-policed-nation, including an executive-level suggestion that American people quit driving, one senses that as lies continue to build upon lies, danger ensues as dangerous people continue to fall flat on their platforms of deceptive leadership and pathological propaganda.
It is this writer’s opinion that we are now led by abject and career criminals, who also happen to be connected to a network of global wealth siphoning systems and aristocrats.
America is witnessing pathological classism where the rich are literally conquering everyone else.
One mistake that we, the people, have made for decades has been staying riveted to “breaking news.”
We tend to miss the real news that is pre-empted, or in other words, not reported.
The only American news is this - the current administration and their corporate backers are dismantling America.
The pace is furious.
Every federal bureaucracy is being re-maneuvered for continued crisis – every federal bureaucracy.
Our government is so re-maneuvered that it is unrecognizable as our government.
It is not our government.
We did not vote for our current rules, economic enslavements, and regulations.
Our current administration imposed them, and we had no say whatsoever.
Now, it is suggested that our military (or someone’s military) is to be given policing powers in this nation, which is not our nation...
Any American citizen with half a brain cannot claim ignorance, party affiliation, or loyalty to this nation’s leadership anymore.
Anyone who does so is an enemy of freedom.
It’s just that simple.
In today’s world, every freedom loving American must work on a daily basis, and I do mean a daily basis, to expose the military take-over of America, the bureaucratic confiscation of American land (and most if not all other rights), the purposeful destruction of the American public school system, the crisis and war-based economic system, and the insidious class war, which includes plans for mass elimination of the poor, the huddled masses, and the infirm.
Social cleansing is in practice and in full federal and global play.
The rich and their corporations are maneuvering humanity.
If in doubt, ask Africa.
America is in a perpetual state of deception.
Our current state of reality is a highly orchestrated deception.
Our leadership is a group of goons who lie for their livings and who loath and deny freedom for the masses that they fear.
The rich have always been afraid of the masses because their wealth has always been extracted from the masses in one way or another.
This is the global history of aristocracy and it’s constant paranoid scheming and brutality.

And now part 2 ;
Poisoning of Christianity in America

It's Getting Really Weird Out There

By J. Lee Grady, Editor -
November 11, 2005 -

How would you feel if your pastor announced from the pulpit that he had uncovered a “new revelation” in the Bible?
His discovery: That a church leader can have more than one wife.
Hopefully, you and everyone in the building would run, not walk, out of that church and never come back until the pastor had been replaced.
But I am afraid too many of us gullible charismatics might stay in the pews—and eventually give the guy a standing ovation plus a $10,000 love offering.
That’s how strange it is getting out there.
Something has gone terribly wrong in our movement.
Everywhere I turn I find that leaders of so-called Spirit-filled churches are making bizarre choices that compromise basic Christian integrity.
Some examples:aAt one charismatic megachurch, staff pastors successfully convinced all their wives and female staff members to get breast implants. (I wonder: Was this discussed at a staff meeting?)
A church in California (known for its revival meetings and prophetic ministry) recently imploded after members learned that several men in the church had been having homosexual affairs with the pastor, who was married.
A leader with an international following (who wears the label of “apostle”) recently informed his leaders that men of God who reach his level of anointing are allowed to have more than one sexual partner.
Then his own son offered his wife to his father out of a sense of spiritual obligation.
We can all say together: “Eeeuuuwww!”
What has triggered this madness ?
The devil is working overtime, yet our discernment is at an all-time low.
Satan’s tactics are more brazen than ever.
We might as well let him walk into church on Sunday morning and give him the microphone.
We’ve been bewitched.
What matters to us today are the carnal things.
We want flash, bang and the wow factor.
If a person can shout loud enough and get everyone to swoon at the altar, we don’t care how he or she lives at home.
Morality is irrelevant.
In 2000 Charisma reported that charismatic preacher Clarence McClendon had divorced his wife of 16 years, Tammera McClendon, and married another woman after only seven days.
The ceremony was performed by Bishop Earl Paulk, founder of the Cathedral of the Holy Spirit in Atlanta.
Several prominent ministers attended the wedding, lending their endorsement to McClendon’s actions.
Tammera McClendon later informed Charisma that Clarence had told her while they were married that God had already shown him the woman who would replace her as his wife.
McClendon left his denomination, the International Church of the Foursquare Gospel, after his divorce became public.
He began a new church, Full Harvest International Church, which currently meets in Gardena, California.
His preaching is aired on the Trinity Broadcasting Network, and he was a featured guest on TBN’s Praise the Lord program last week.
In fact, McClendon collected the offering during the network’s annual telethon. When I turned on the program and saw him raising money, I stared in disbelief.
How did we get in this pitiful condition?
The very pulpits of America have become defiled because we are unwilling to confront sin.
We are playing political games when the very health of the church is at stake.
Some Christians write letters to me saying: “The Bible says we shouldn’t judge.
Sure these leaders have stumbled, but no one is perfect. We need to forgive.”
What Bible are these people reading?
Mine says plainly that it is our responsibility to judge sin in the church.
Of course we forgive, but forgiveness does not involve putting a preacher back on stage the next week if he just had a serious moral failure.
When the apostle Paul learned that a man was living in an immoral relationship with his father’s wife, he tore into the situation with a vengeance.
He said: “Are you not to judge those inside [the church]? Expel the wicked person from among you.”
Those are not politically correct words, but they were spoken by a true apostle. If we want a restoration of genuine, apostolic Christianity in our generation, we need to dispense with the craziness and initiate some apostolic confrontation.

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