Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Babylon Falling Very Soon ?

This week ,the U.S. Government under direction of President Bush has forced Israel to allow Palestinian Islamic terrorists groups Hamas & Fatah,bent on Israel's destruction ,to vote in
the Jewish capitol of Jerusalem for their terrorist political leaders.

What incredible affront and trampling of another nation's sovereignty by a supposed democratic nation. What evil ,what hypocrisy.What overt rewarding of evil and cursing Israel.

I will bless those who bless you and curse those who curse you.
America is doomed, cursed for many reasons ,this being the ultimate "finger in God's eye".

There is no doubt that such hubris ,arrogance and interference in Jerusalem by this President
will not go unchallenged by the God of Israel.

His warning in Zechariah 12;3 , unheeded by President Bush, the Chief lifter, will fall on the U.S. and himself.

And it will come in that day that I will make Jerusalem a heavy stone for all peoples ;
all who lift it will be severely injured............

The majority (Christian's & Jew's of faith) ignore the severity of what is being done now by this president and assume all will continue here in America as usual.
They are asleep and ignore or don't believe God's warning .
I believe the severe injury is imminent and that is why I post this exerpt from an email I recieved today.


His Cup Is Running Over - Part II

Received during the past two months released December 30, 2005 by Ueli and Charlotte (Charle') Surbeck

The important part of this Vision shared in Part I was, that an attack would come to New York, and 6 other City's in North America, namely: Cincinnati, San Francisco, Montreal, Atlanta, Dallas and Washington DC. The Lord gave us a specific date: January 23 2006

Please understand, "We are WATCHMAN", it is not our prayers that these tragedies should come, but it's what the Lord has shown us that would come, and we release this first and this second word, as a call to prayer, and through prayers and actions many of this things can be maybe not stopped, but diminished, that people can be made aware and prepare in the right way!

During the past few weeks, the Lord gave us several additional pieces to the first word, which we would like to compile in this article, as we feel that this issue is very important!

The first confirmation, we received was in Dover, Tennessee on October 23, 2005. While we were preaching I asked my wife to share the Vision about New York and the 6 City's. At the end of the Service a young boy named Shae, twelve years old, came to us and shared with us that he had a similar dream during the month of August 2005, (The same time Charlotte had the vision in Israel).

Right after Shae shared with us his dream, another couple came to us, with their daughter which was seven years old. The mother had a journal in which she had written down all the dreams her daughter had. The mother turned back about 7 pages, where she had written down her daughters dream about New York. (It was very similar to our vision) "In her dream she was also in the water when she saw the Statue of Liberty's head in the water, and she had also drawn it that way in the Journal and above the picture it said "It was still January" ( Her daughter also had the dream in August)!

Then after Church service, we went out to eat, and another friend shared the following:

She has a daughter (they all go to this Church where we were Preaching) who's birthday is on the 23 of January. Two years ago, a prophet in their Church gave her a word, that in two years on her birthday, something horrific would happen in America. When my wife shared about January 23, 2006, the man that said that to the daughter was in the service that night and stared at her until they made eye contact.

Maybe you can imagine, that after sharing this word, and receiving 3 confirmation in one day, we started to pray trying to understand what the Lord might be trying to say on this issue. During the following weeks, we continued to pray concerning each city, and what kind of attack the enemy is planning to do. The Lord gave us the following Visions as we prayed:

Cincinnati: I have never been there, but in a vision I saw a bridge on the West side close to the downtown area, then I saw (Cointon) written? The bridge was suddenly swept away by something that came so quickly (from the East side), I am not sure if it was water or an explosion of some sort.)

San Francisco: I saw a suspension bridge and under the water on the pilings or supports of the bridge I saw men placing large targets. (Golden Gate Bridge) Further out in the water I saw submarines aiming at the targets. I then saw a long pier out in the water in another area and I saw large cargo ships crashing into the pier, more coming ashore, five altogether. The Cargo ships seemed to be running by remote control.

Montreal: I saw a large suspension bridge near the city blow up.

Atlanta: I saw something going underground. Like a train or sub-way and I felt like this was showing where the problem would originate, but that is all that I saw.

Dallas: I saw myself away from the city, and I saw someone go underground, in awhile I heard an explosion in the center of the city and a large group of buildings, (many city blocks) blew up from the bottom up.

Washington, DC: I seemed to be in Washington, I have never been there there before. I saw the White House in the distance and then all of a sudden I saw a white flash. I saw a man go into a bunker and I followed him down there, I didn't see him again, it seemed to be some kind of command center, but everyone was not moving and whatever the blast was affected everything.

May Gods Mercy and Grace be upon North America in this weeks and months ahead!

Ueli and Charlotte Surbeck

(The Washington DC blast close to the White House and the attack on the twin towers of the Golden Gate suspension bridge is common in these two revelations.)

A New Year's Dream: Nightmare Or Prophecy?
Chuck Colson, January 3, 2006

Something very strange happened to me this past week. I was seated in my library chair, mulling over current events, trying to make a few New Year's predictions, which is the custom for commentators. I was concentrating hard, when suddenly, I saw before my eyes a headline from the New York Times. It read, "Congress Votes to End War; Troops Ordered to Abandon Iraq."
The view changed. Just as in Vietnam three decades ago, I saw Americans clinging to helicopters, trying to get themselves out of Baghdad along with friendly Shiite Muslims. There was massive confusion, bombs going off in the background.
And then, I saw pictures out of Afghanistan. Al Qaeda had toppled the new Afghan government. Marines and soldiers again were hurriedly boarding choppers. It can't be real, I thought - but it was.
The next thing I saw was a picture of Palestine, where most of the al Qaeda terrorists had now gone. The Israeli government was in disarray, reeling under a series of huge bomb blasts in Jerusalem.
Country after country was falling to the Islamic fascists: Saudi Arabia. Turkey. Egypt. For the most part, the terrorists simply refused to ship oil, and what they did ship was priced at over $150 a barrel. It was a worldwide crisis. Europe quickly signed a non-aggression pact with al Qaeda in exchange for oil.
Then came the most devastating picture of all: panic in the streets of Washington, D.C. as a dirty bomb exploded not a quarter of a mile from the Capitol. Huge sections of the city were cordoned off, uninhabitable. Even people with the best protective equipment suffered serious radiation burns.Projections were that the area would be off-limits for years. Then came the bombing of the Holland Tunnel, connecting New York and New Jersey, then the collapse of the pillars of the Golden Gate Bridge.
The government threatened retaliation, of course-but there was no one to retaliate against. The Islamo-fascists were spread throughout the world, and it was impossible to strike against all the countries that were harboring them or being run by them. Osama bin Laden himself appeared on Al Jazeera, boasting that he had known all along that the Americans wouldn't fight.
By now, most American television was not operating. But I could still get one channel. Talking heads were arguing frantically over how this could have happened. One man's voice stood out when he said, "It was all so foreseeable. Once you rule religion a private matter, and declare all religions alike, no one in this country could understand the dimensions of a great religious struggle. No one understood the clash of civilizations or the evil of Islamo-fascism. We didn't even have the language to describe religious beliefs anymore. Destruction was inevitable."
And that's when I woke up in a cold sweat.
It was 5:00 a.m. I went immediately to the front door. Good-the newspaper was there. I flipped it open. There was nothing in the headlines, except the confirmation fight over Alito and more quibbling over Iraq-all the usual banter that goes on endlessly in the press. But as I walked into the house, my knees were still shaking.
It was only a dream. We're okay, I told myself. Or are we?

New York City and the Statue of Liberty Attacks

Corey Caldwell’s dream - 01-02-06

I asked the Lord Monday night before I went to sleep that the Lord would show me where the next major devastation would take place. I saw the Statue of Liberty and New York City behind it. Then I saw a few missiles flying towards New York City. As they passed by the Statue of Liberty I now saw that the head and torch were sticking up out of the water. The dream ended with the missiles just off the coast of New York City. I felt that this would be imminent.

Interesting week as well. Tuesday I was feeling pity and remorse that something very bad is going to take place. Wednesday night after the Bible Study the same feelings came back after David shared the confirmation concerning New York and the 6 cities in "His Cup Is Running Over," which I had not known about. Thursday was another very bad day for me. Very depressing. Just feeling the burden of the Lord upon me. The verse came to mind (Eze. 33:11) Say unto them, As I live, saith the Lord Jehovah, I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked; but that the wicked turn from his way and live: turn ye, turn ye from your evil ways; for why will ye die, O house of Israel? I talked with Reuel Stewart Friday night and he too was feeling the same feelings as I was going through. I also talked with Bob Aicardi Friday night. He was awakened by the Lord. The Lord told him “Ariel Sharon.” Bob was saying that with Sharon down now is the opportunity for attack. Two confirmations to the way I was feeling. Three more total confirmations that judgment is coming to America and the world.


  1. Marcel...Fifteen days remain until January 23rd so often over the years I have gone through dates that "prophets" had made. Now prophetic sounding is an awesome gift of the Rauch Ha Kodesh but I must say that dates make me a little uneasy. Yet the truth is that the pressure lies upon those who give the dates because our Heavenly Father is accurate and does not present untruth.
    I have know doubt the judgement is coming as I see the strong delusion that now floods our society. However, the scriptures tell me that when I see all these things look up for my Redemption draweth nigh! And this is the Hope that purifies. Let us watch and see......

  2. Hi Rick,
    Joel ,by the Holy Spirit spoke of dreams and visions coming to God's people in these last days .
    Where are God's given dream's and visions then ?
    God's does say He warns His servants !!!
    he's always protected me from date setters ,as the 1988 rapture delusion which swept so many away. This one January 23 ? I don't know but I sense God's great anger with America's interference in His agenda with Israel,much more than the majority of Christians are aware of. It's like they are under a ;
    When it does many's faith will be shaken and destroyed because they were careless and comfortable not heeding the signs and warnings.
    This Bush interference in Israel gets worse and he is not circumspect ,even after Hurricane Katrina ,His heardened heart leads to God's sure wrath upon him and this land, again and more severe this time.It's not hard to see this and to see it coming as a great unexpected shock ,that is always how the arrogant are caught and surprised.
    For many many years now God has impressed me thru his word that
    He will remove the U.S. from being a nation so it will no longer pollute the earth and interfere with His plans for Israel.

    It seems many of God's people will be caught unaware as Jesus warned them not to be. I really sense this in a major way ,so this is why I posted this with Jan 23 as the target date.
