Friday, January 27, 2006

From Constantine to President Bush

When Politic's and Religion Mix

Jesus said; My Kingdom is not of this World.
At present,Satan rules the kingdom's of this world and this is why they are all under the judgment of God. (Even the U.S.)

Roman Emperor Constantine united a fracturing empire by making his brand of 'Christianity' the state religion of the Roman Empire.
President Bush used naive and gulliable Christians to grab the reigns of power by easily
seducing them with what they wanted to hear.
This is how potentates and leaders, greedy for power use and corrupt religion for Satan's agenda.
The President like Emperor Constantine goes out and makes war in the name of God,
( Something Jesus taught His followers not to do)
playing the role of peace maker but in reality unleashing the tribulation of end time's .

When they say peace and security then sudden destruction................

The Kingdom of God is not coming by way of Washington,neither is the peace only Jesus can and will bring.
This is another false man of peace who blasphemes the name of Jesus as did Constantine when he seperated the early Christians from their Jewish roots and opened the church door to worldly political (demonic) forces .

It was at the Council of Nicea in 325 AD, where Constantine the first pope, made the big changes in the Church.
It was there that it was determined that we could no longer eat unleavened bread at Passover. In fact it was at that council, that it was decided that the Feasts of the Lord were OUT, and the pagan feasts of Winter Solstice and Spring Equinox festivals would be IN, with Christian terms being applied.
Thus was the departure from Biblical Apostolic faith and practice, to the birth of the Roman state church of the Empire.
This created the greatest schism in history and was the birth of the Roman Catholic paganized Christianity, or Christianized paganism of both the Roman Catholic, and so-called Orthodox Church.
Shortly after the great Nicea Council of 325 AD, Constantine sent his mother. who was to become known as Saint Helena, to Jerusalem to discover the spot that he had in mind for the place of the Resurrection. Helena was also to find the cross and all sorts of other religious relic stuff, which is the sort of stuff of which religions are made.
The new site of the resurrection would be the temple of Venus on the West side of Jerusalem. Constantine ordered the temple torn down and a Pope Constantine Resurrection Church constructed on the site. This Church building is called the church of the Holy Sepulcher to this day. Indeed the Church of the Holy Sepulcher is the old site of the Temple of Venus. Everyone should be able to easily see this is the wrong site, because it is located within the city of Jerusalem.
Everyone should KNOW that Yeshua was Crucified and buried outside the walls of the old city of Jerusalem.As Roman Emperor, FIRST POPE, and head of the New Roman State religion of the Empire, he ruled over that famous Council of Nicea. Indeed it was that Council of Nicaea in 325 AD, which changed the time of the Lord's Resurrection to the Sunday, from The Sabbath, of that Saturday, of Nissan 17, 30AD.
The First Pope Constantine at that Nicea Council also changed The Lord's Feast of Passover, to the pagan celebration of Easter. Pope Constantine's Council of Nicaea also changed the time of the Messiah's birth from the Feast of Tabernacles, in late September early October, to when the pagans always celebrated, December 25th, as the birthday of the sun god Tamuz.
Since the previous Emperor, Diocletian, had destroyed all the books which had given the correct time of the Messiah's birth, Constantine was able to easily pull this off. December 25th had always been the biggest day of the year for the pagans. The pagan celebration of the Winter Solstice was known as The Birthday of the Unconquered SUN. We do not need to be overly concerned trying to keep Christ in Christmas, because in truth, He never had anything to do with that pagan celebration of the twenty-fifth of December. Constantine also ordered the construction of the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem. After changing the times and places of the birth and Resurrection, it was a smart popular political move to make this paganized Christianity, or Christianized paganism the State religion of the Empire.
The Roman religion would be complete with pagan pantheon of gods, now simply being the veneration of various saints, with idols and icons galore. Before the first pope Constantine, people became part of the body of Messiah through being born again. It was the finding of the grace of God in REPENTANCE and FAITH in the atoning sacrifice of the Lamb of God, and His Resurrection, which brought the new birth. Baptism was an outward sign and profession of this change of the new birth of THE Faith within the believer. The First Pope Constantine waited until just before his death to be baptized because he believed that baptism washes away sins and makes one a Christian. Even to this present day the various Christianized pagan churches, or paganized Christian churches, if you prefer, put their faith in the SACRAMENTS of the Church, and not really THE Faith of the Lord Jesus Christ. Many Churches emphasize the sacramental baptism as the basis of the whole Christian life, and the gateway to life in the Spirit, and the door, which gives access to the other sacraments.
This is NOT biblical teaching; but, the tradition of the First Pope Constantine, and his Court Theologian Eusebius. Constantine via Eusebius and his followers, taught that through Baptism we are freed from sin and reborn as sons of God.
Eusebius taught that salvation came through the sacraments, which the Roman state church had for sale, and NOT biblically, through THE Faith of the Lord Jesus Christ. Eusebius, as the First Pope's Theologian, taught that we become members of Christ, by the sacraments of the church with baptism being the sacrament of regeneration. With the able help of Eusebius, in just the 30 years that the First Pope Constantine reigned, the Roman Catholic system was fully developed. It has the two big Christianized pagan festivals of Christmas and Easter. It has entry to the body of Messiah through baptism instead of the new birth.
It has the union of church and state, like a 501c3 state church contract. It even has the resurrection celebrated on Sunday in honor of the sun god and the weekly observance on Sunday in honor of the pagan sun god as commanded by the pope, rather than as commanded by the Lord. It us sad how many pope style churches there are. It is sad how few Word of God style churches there sometimes appear to be.
We hope this pope style church description does not match your church, many of which have continued right down to our time.
From Chittim,
Isa. 23:1,
Shalom & Simcha,
Jim Searcy

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