Monday, January 23, 2006

January 23

I assumed wrongly that the source for this date Jan23 was credible.
I'm sorry, I was wrong to post it.
I still think something is imminent ,sooner than later with Iran which will bring in Russia and China and of course israel sits in the middle of all this.
Here's a few words of wisdom from David on date setting that in hindsight I now see.

While definitely expecting more attacks at some point, and probably severe enough ones that they alter the course of history and usher in the biblically prophesied End of Days, I am extremely wary of published reports that include precise projected dates disclosed through private revelations. As Jerusalem author and Bible scholar Lance Lambert pointed out at a conference I attended here in Jerusalem last evening, such date-setting regarding various topics in the past has usually proved incorrect, and is probably a demonic tool apparently designed to discredit the name of Christians and Christianity, especially with young people seeking spiritual truth.

So while we should all pray about the ominous threats around us—which are obvious enough even without such “words,” especially in light of Osama Bin Laden’s latest tape vowing to launch more destructive attacks upon America—we must be very careful in my estimation to stay within biblical boundaries and not publish dates or supposedly “exact” details in advance. Human emotions, wishes and private interpretations can so easily get in the way. I hope this helps answer some of the queries I’ve gotten. I do agree that 2006 is likely to be a dramatic year, but that is also not difficult to project given all the upheaval of last year, which began with the aftershocks of the massive Asian tsunami and included the Gaza withdrawal and Katrina disaster. That this year began with Ariel Sharon’s severe stroke is probably not a sign of calm seas ahead.
exerpt David Dolan - January Israel Update


  1. Marcel...The fact that the sources dated the material does not mean that judgement is not imminent. So we all know that something is just on the horizen and even secular types are beginning to converse among themselves that we have peaked with something about to happen. So keep up the good is just keeping us sharpened and alert. We cannot afford to go to sleep on watch!

  2. Had you hit the nail on the head
    you most likely would have received a
    visit from authorities to bring you in
    for interogation.
    Better never to be too accurate or ever
    call a date.
    How would you ever be able to explain
    to Big Brother how you knew a particular
    date of an event?

  3. Rick,
    Israel's has surrendered so much for the fasle peace of the fasle peacemaker president and everything points to war on the horizon with the Palestinians and Iran and Syria and Egypt ,like sharks smelling blood in the water. Jesus'word's "when the say peace and saftey ,then suddent destruction " rings loud. Thats why it's so easy for me to see the Bush Road Map as a lie ,deception which lulls so many to sleep.
    I keep seeing the Bush Iran confrontation leading to the tribulation.
    Big brother is too busy spying on old caucasian grandmothers and their baby grandchildren. The CIA,NSA is too incompetent to protect or save the U.S. from what is at hand ,so you're probally right ,they're wasting their time watching those of us who warn others of their evil agenda.
    Just as they allow a flood of Islamic terrorist to come into the U.S. and decieve us with the lie that they wiretap to keep us safe.
    If they know where the terroirst are calling from(to) ,why don't they go after them ???????
    They have left the border with Mexico open so that we can be attacked so that they can declare Martial Law and open up their concentration camps to all who oppose their Satanic New World Order Agenda that Skull and Bones Bush is working so hard to bring about.
    The STRONG DELUSION IS HERE and it is God's people who have been seduced by the dragon who speaks like a Lamb !
    Evil is raising it's head on all fronts for the last Satanic rebellion before Jesus returns to end their reign.

  4. Andrea,
    There is a downside to warning others.I see that in Noah's 120 years of preparation ,he didn't manage to convince one soul.
    I think God has again set a fog so that those who do not love the truth may be judged (2 Thess 2)
    I read another story (no dates but months) that lays out the reality that it's closer than many think.
    It will catch the majority off guard and unprepared.
    I'm thankful and amazed that I don't have scoffers here among my two or three readers. lol
    I will post the WND article and one from a vietnam vet to Steve Quayle who is getting beat up and attacked by scoffers for being a good watchman and warning others.
