Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Time for a Change

The heart of the King is in the Hands of God.
P.M. Sharon has been disengaged as leader of Israel.
Only four months after ethnically cleansing fellow Jews from their homes and
land he is gone.
A message to all who reward evil and punish the good and faithful.
Israel in the next years faces the most serious challenges to it's continued existence.
For this reason Israel needs a strong leader and P.M. Sharon has proven not to be that man. Incabable of saying no to foreign agenda's that weaken her and reward terrorism ,he must be replaced soon.
This is the time to say goodby to a once great general turned appeaser and lackey to foreign interests.
This man has betrayed everyone including himself .God have mercy on his soul.
My hope is that the one who replaces P.M. Sharon can stand up to the bully tactics and incessant meddling into Israel's sovereignty by President Bush and his failed peace scams that endanger Israel's security.
The time is long overdue to stop rewarding the Palestinian terrorist army and to defeat them soundly. P.M. Sharon has proven incapable of doing the job ,so this weak leader must be replaced by a strong one who is not afraid to do what has to be done.

1 comment:

  1. Andrea,I forgot all about that.
    They assu,ed to curse Sharon to stop the Gaza disengagement and they failed. I don't know if they will take credit for it now ?
    God is the One who blesses and curses and He warns about dividing up His land Joel 3;2 In Genisis God told Abraham He would Bless those who blessed him and curse those who cursed him.
    Thats why I see the moslems as already cursed ,I don't have to do it in God's place.
    Thats the grave danger of Bush and his plan. He's playing God and has fallen into a curse and judgment and mostly an agent of Satan.
    God raise and removes Kings at His will ,not because puny men make silly curses. Curses have no effect on those obedient servants under the blood of Jesus. Fear has no hold .Unbelief is the hook which fear gets a hold of us with.
    I'm going to post a link to a good article on Sharon and his death five monts after obeying Bush to remove Jews from Gaza.
