Thursday, February 16, 2006

National Prayer Breakfast Or Spiritual Tower of Babel ?

The Son's of Perdition


  1. It really is just a matter of time before God starts judging the Church and exposing the hypocracy that seems prevelent in Church of America. Kenneth Copeland's ministry headquarters is about 10-15 miles north west of my home. It is a very large elegant complex. I have an uneasy fealing when I drive past it on occation. This may be completely wrong but I remember reading last year on a website I cannot recall that God was not pleased with ministries that use a persons name for the title, and many of these ministries would be exposed as the demigods they wish to be. I have never felt at ease with the positivity/prosperity preaching that is so popular in America today. My wife really likes Joel Osteen. Most churches today are more like social clubs or worse, liberal bastions were the word of God is twisted and perverted.

  2. The man centered gospel is popular as opposed to the true gospel where God alone is exalted.
    I believe that this is the heart & soul of the last days falling away ,apostacy.
    The reason for the large crowds is it's all about what God can do for me,me me and mine.
    I could only watch Joel for a short time ,he's so adorable and femmenized ,how can you not love him ? His wife has had a bad influence on him. He listens to her instead of Jesus.
    My teddy bear is not as cuddly and
    sweet Joel.
    These places are nothing more than sugar plantations .Soooo sweet.
    Sugar always draws bigger crowds than salt. Witness the rise in choclate/candy sales Feb 14 th.
    a serious flaw in these feel good emporium's is that you won't find enough salt to get you thru the coming calamities. The sugar will all blow away and you will be left with shipwrecked faith in these feel good houses of man centered worship where God is nothing more than their cosmic butler.
    This is where Paul warned of people only wanting their ears tickled and turning away from the truth to fables. They no longer endure sound doctrine, only sugar and other flesh centered pursuits.
    The Revelation message to the churches touches on the doctrine of the Nicolatians and we have it here in a major way in Evangelical Christians circles. This is where the clergy places itself above the laity(us).
    Rome and their pope's bishops and cardinals are a good example of this evil apostacy which Jesus hates. The big shot 'christian' leaders today have forgotten that Jesus is already the Head ,and not them.
    They speak for and to the church in place of the sheep hearing and knowing the voice of the True Shepherd.
    Following these blind leaders only leads to one place.Folowing Jesus leads to eternal life. I thank God He rescued me from the hirelings and their bodyguards and big jets.

  3. If you go to the website at the bottom it has Eagle Mountain International Church, Incorporated, aka Kenneth Copeland Ministries. Eagle Mountain is the name of the lake and a small community here near Fort Worth. Last time I drove by I think it was called Eagles Crest or something like that. I was a bit surprised that his ministry was this close and I had no idea. There is no sort of community outreach I know of. He does have an annual Beleivers Conference at the Tarrant County Convention Center. I went once, it was in the 80's. I think that was before he started espousing the concept that all Christian were Gods. I got to hear Phil Driscol for the first time, I still enjoy his music.

  4. Yes, Father showed me about that Nicolaitan stuff really well about 12 years ago. We were in a church where the pastor was really into the strong-authority doctrine. Our eyes were opened to the cult aspects of the place. I was in a meeting not long before we left the place (it was during the time that my life was falling apart and I did not know to the extent yet) and Father showed me how the pastor was like the pope. It was quite a revelation. Now if I am in a place where someone stands up and proclaims themself the authority that I must obey, I turn around and go out the door and do not come back. Of course, it is rare for me to even get into a place to hear that anymore. I really do believe that Yeshua is taking His body underground and that being in the "church" as represented by buildings and all the trappings of American christianity is a dangerous place to be anymore.
    I guess we have to be like David's mighty men and hide in the caves!
    Love and shalom,
