Saturday, February 18, 2006

Politicizing God


  1. I learned some about preterism about a year ago in a debate online with someone who believes that way. This is the fruit of those who believe that "christians" take over the earth. I certainly don't want an earth like this one. I want the one that Messiah Yeshua actually rules over. All I can see about this belief form is that they have a type of gnosticism that is similar to Christian Science. They actually believe that we are in the kingdom reign and that Messiah already returned! It is a real deception as are all the other man-made doctrines. It certainly is a time to cry out for the Truth and to seek Him!
    Love and shalom,

  2. I have read the works of Michael and his grandfater Dumitru Duduman. They have been warning of the coming judgement of America for many years. God has truely been merciful and delayed the judgement that is long overdue. I have heard and read a bit about preterism. I have read that Jan Crouch of TBN espouses this theory, that Christians are to convert the world before Christ returns. Unfortunatly for them this belief does not agree with the Word of the Lord. It sometimes amazes that that those who claim to be Christains can be deceived so easily. My guess is that they do not read the Word and cannot know the truth if they don't study and meditate on the Bible or worse they are deceived by doctrines of demons. Like I said it is only a guess on my part as it is up to God to convict and save them if they allow him to. God is merciful and still allows us to decide if we want to accept his free gift of salvation from Jesus sacrifice.

  3. A message few pastors will touch because they are for the most part wimps and cowards who only dispense sugar coated messages which will not offend anyone.
    I began with TBN at it's birth but departed when the furniture became strange. Jan's touch
    It's been downhill since then,especially after they kissed the Pope's hand. That opens the door to demonic deception and demonic delusion,and that's all TBN is doing now. It's fatal to the soul to follow hirelings who live in large mansions and fleece the flock. That goes for Pat Robertson as well.
    That political charlatan and huckster had no right to sell off CBN as it was built by the donations of millions of saints.
    I recomend that anyone not go to Rome unless the Lord leads them for His purpose.
    Jan is a good example of a bad wife which influences her husband to follow lies and do evil.
    Open rebuke is better than secret love.
