Monday, February 20, 2006

They're Here

Those who trust the incompetent and the insane to keep them safe
are in for many more surprise's.
Only One can keep us safe and secure and it's not ole' uncle sam
suffering from advanced dementia.


  1. We American's can only handle so much bad news, so the overexcess of bad is swept away ,hidden from view.
    Watching morning news on the alphabet channels ,they go quickly to the silly nonsense which helps the masses get back to lala land and fantasy world.
    The majority really don't want to know what is really going on and this is why our corrupt politicians can sell ou out with such ease and NO ACCOUNTABILITY.

  2. Hey Marcel and Andrea. You are both right. Most are completely clueness about what is happening. My family and I went to the store this evening and it was empty. Everyone was at home worshiping the god of American Idol. It really is amazing that each and everyday more and more happens to point to the time we live in being the endtime,and it seems to be increasing exponentially. I went crazy on my blog today. I found a article or two that were interesting and as I researched them I keep running into more articles. Arms caches in Laredo, Texas, Russia, China, Iran, Israel, and the US possibly positioning for war. The 3 terrorist in Ohio, the Ozark trucking school. The President wants to hand management of vital ports to a nation whose citizens were dancing in the streets on 911. America is involved in a war for its very survival and we are blind, deaf, dumb, and clueless. I listen to a radio program called Grace to You (John MacAuther)when I drive to work every day. He is currently doing a study of the travisty of the lack of discernment in the church and in Christians today. Only God knows for sure when but it sure looks like the US could be in world war as soon as March. Judgement is closing in on America for its sin and rejection of God.

  3. Shummer,
    I've heard only a few commentators hit the nail on the head about the Dubai Ports deal Bush allowed to go thru secretly.
    What arrogance this Emperor/ Oligarch displays.
    This President is a Globalist ,New World Order builder which is the heart of Satan's end time agenda,who has easily hoodwinked the dumb sheep.
    That there are so many brain dead Christians who have helped him and Satan in their plan reveals how dark things truly are already.
    The Christian leadership is dead silent on this most serious collusion between the children of light and the children of darkness.
    Others like Jan are delusional and write that God is our Homeland Security Director, when in fact He is the One who is raising up and sending these enemies agaisnt us ,just as he did to Israel when thay rejected Him.
    I haven't listend to McArthur is a while ,he's always been great and
    solid on the bible.
    As for our land and our leader,
    Pride goeth before destruction and a haughty spirity before a fall. proverbs 16;18
    Because the people have rejected God He has rejected them and sent a spirit of delusion and sleep to the land. What we see ,the blindness is part of His judgment. They grope in the dark and blindly head to their horrible end.

  4. Your right we do not have God fearing leaders in our nation like McArthur now and that is one of the reasons we are were we are. We have a President who claims to be Christian but is really a wolf in sheeps clothing who is leading America into the tribulation and the antichrists kingdom. I voted for Bush. To me he was the lesser of two evils. I beleive that we would be on the same path no matter who won.

  5. Your right we do not have God fearing leaders in our nation like McArthur now and that is one of the reasons we are were we are. We have a President who claims to be Christian but is really a wolf in sheeps clothing who is leading America into the tribulation and the antichrists kingdom. I voted for Bush. To me he was the lesser of two evils. I beleive that we would be on the same path no matter who won.

  6. The lesser of two evils was really no choice.
    The bonnie and clyde team fooled alot of voters,Clyde being the present enforcer of Satan's NWO agenda. Jesus showed me to vote for neither 'evil' and save my vote for Him ,pure and undefiled.

    The delusion that many Bushbot 'Christian's 'are under is fearful ,as many are under God's strong delusion and will not see.
    Their alliance with hell and seperation from the truth grows.
