Saturday, February 11, 2006

Why Didn't I Just Take The Blue Pill ?

If you get a chance also read Frosty's latest article at


  1. That sums it up very well. I have really been frustrated lately with the dismanteling of what was once the greatest nation on earth because we feared and honored the Lord. However, I know that it is all in God's hand. We are at the very edge of our world changing dramatically.

  2. nothing new under the sun.
    Another repeat of Israel's disasterous mistakes.

    The best comparasion I've found is Jeremiah. He told his fellow coutrymen the bad news (negative) God told Him to give.
    A Bitter message to a people who had turned far away from God.
    They expected blessing as todays decieved Christians expect forgetting the curse which God promises will always come. Deut 28
    They accused Jeremiah of being a traitor ,they told him there was no way God would judge them as Israel was God's chosen people and nation. They threw him in prison burned the written words (scroll) which God gave him to pass on
    and everyone (the great majority)was against him. He truly walked alone and was too negative for the positive believers of that time.
    It's the same today ,the majority would rather hear the false prophets who make them feel better than the Jeremiah's.We will see the same and it will be our fellow Christians who will persecust us as Jesus warned. The 'falling away' hates the remnat always and want to shut them up.
    Even Jesus ,not all of His relatives believed or accepted Him.
    Today's Christian, in comparasion shopping they always choose the more alluring brand and satan knows how to EASILY allure and seduce.
    God's people are seduced because they are cold or lukewarm towards Him. Loving God helps keep our vision clear. leaven always weakens our walk and the leaven is everywhere ,flooding the earth. It's going to take much love for God to endure.

  3. Hey Marcel. I have started a blog if you want to check it out it is I am open to suggestions and it is my first attempt.
