Thursday, June 29, 2006

Can A Cursed Fool Bring Peace Anywhere ?

And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee:
and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed Genesis 12;3

By blessing and protecting Israel's mortal enemies , and restraining Israel from defeating them,this President has brought an added curse upon himself and this nation.
The Road Map is a curse on Israel and it is the last straw, the straw which breaks the camel's back.
The Camel being the U.S.

Israel -

There is no chance for peace with Islam and their Palestinian surrogates.

The liar in chief has sold you out,succesfully weakening and restraining you.
You just refuse to accept this reality.
Some of you really believed the U.S would be Israel's saviour and bring peace.
Instead the opposite ,war.
After a long,long list of failed U.S. policy which protects the terrorists who attack Israel and restrains Israel from ending this war of Islam,you still fall for this nefarious interference ?
Why ?
You Jews all seem to forget this was all done for the President's vision ,dream of a Palestinian State,cleansed of all Jews.
The Satan inspired Road Map.
How can so many Christian's remain so silent ?
His solution is your annhilation and you are silent towards his evil decree and vision.
In fact you fell for it .
It sounded good and fair ,but the Palestinians do not deserve a nation ,especially at Israel's expense.
They are cursed and helping them is an evil act and for this all the nations will suffer the wrath of God. God's word to Abraham ,I will bless those who bless you and curse those who curse you.
Satan has managed to get the U.S. and the World to bless what God has cursed.
Therefore the nations and America first, will taste His wrath !
Let the Palestinian's suffer what they intend to bring upon Israel, That is Godly justice.
God's Justice for those who show no mercy is a good thing and Bush and his New World Babel Order hinder it ,but not for much longer.
Satan has been succesful in protraying the Palestinian's as victims when in fact they are on par with Hitler and his Nazi regime.
As a majority they voted for terrorist Hamas to rule over them ,and Bush made excuses for this evil.
The 'good'Palestinians' ,the peaceful ones, have mostly been murdered by their fellow moslem's for collobarating with Israel.
Good is evil and evil is good with them ,evil triumphs there with the help of Mr. Bush and his millions and millions in cash incentives .
They teach their children to hate and kill Jews from birth and Bush and the nations GIVE them billions in support for staying faithful to their evil way.
They are never required to really change their ways .
Its' all show and talk for the camera's. It's not what Bush says but what he does or does not do.
That's Satan's way of so easily decieving the masses.


Only Israel is required to make real and visible moves which harm them for the Presidents false anti-Christ peace plan.
The faithless puppets of Israel,Netnayhau Sharon,Olmert are obedient to this god they serve and this is why you lose your lives ,your homes and land and it is given to vile and evil people who only know and produce violence.
Remember ,the Palestinian's are the ones who brought 'suicide bombings' to the world.
These are the people President Bush is so determined to reward by punishing the Jews.
If you haven't figured it out yet, Our President is a cursed fool and so too has our nation become.
The decay and rot is visible from east to west ,and north to south.
and you wonder why things are going from bad to worse in America and the world.
It's because of how you treat Israel , you hypocrites !

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