Monday, June 26, 2006

A Short Conversation Between President Bush and Israeli P.M. Olmert

Bush - Listen Ehud ,number one ,you can't go in and defeat the Palestinian's
you just can't ,that'll screw up all my plans ,got that ?
Olmert - Yes Mr. President
Bush- Before I forget ,great job distancing me from your. ..what's it called now divergence ? convergence ?
The stupid Zionists , Jewboys are too dumb to tie it to my Road Map final solution plan ,great job taking the heat for me, that's loyalty Ehud. It means alot to me ,your loyalty............
So you got trouble in Gaza ?
Olmert -Yes sir .
Bush - Just stall , it's only one soldier,don't let it get out of hand ,remember the plan ,restrain the IDF ,build up the Pal's.
A weak Israel is our main goal.

Olmert - Mr. President I know I promised not to escalate and to keep the IDF restrained ,but things have changed ,I've to to act.
They're already percieving me as weak.
Bush - I know you have problems in Gaza, Ehud ,but you just can't go in ,it will ruin our success and destroy momentum for Israel's destruction, oops, I mean for the Road Map peace plan.
Olmert - But Mr. President, I'm under great pressure to do something.
Bush- Just talk tough and mass your troops on the border with Gaza and do nothing else or I will cut you off.
There are many there ready to take your place ,remember that .
I want to make it abundantly clear that you are not to go into Gaza,a small limited and restrained response is all that I will allow you to appease your citizens.
Also I want you to crush without mercy the right who are the only opposition to my Final Solution Road Map for Israel.
Demonize them ,arrest them,harass them and hound them ,kill them if you have to.
Adolph would be proud of my clever plan , it has successfully flown under the radar and the majority of Christian's and Jews are completely off guard and asleep.
Even as I protect the Palestinian terrorists and keep Israel from defeating them under threats and hard pressure they still support me.
These fools are so easy to decieve and seduce .
They voted for me and I work day and night to bring about Satan's anti-Christ New World Order.
Israel has no place in this plan.
If you don't go along I'll just speed it up
Olmert - Mr. President, I went along with your plan to send thousands of weapons and ammunition to the P.A. and I went along with Amona ,but I'm afraid some of my Military Commanders are wakeing up to what is going on .
Bush- Don't worry ,if you got a problem I'll send some of my best silencers over there and take care of it for you.
We've got to neutralize Israel to get the Arabs on base with our global agenda and thats the only way they'll stay on board.
We've got to deliver .
Olmert - Yes sir Mr. President, I'm happy to serve you and your glorious plan.
I am your obedient servant.
Bush- (next day)
I know I told you not to go into Gaza ...........but there's lots of flooding here in the north east, Washington's flooded ,the Justice & IRS buildings are flooded along with National Archives ,nothing like it since records were first kept in 1872,reports also that it is a 300 year flood ?
Big fires out west and severe drought ,severe crop damage and we lost a big Elm tree in front of the White House.
It got me thinking about God's judgment on America for tying Israel's hands and my rewarding of the Palestinian terrorists at Israel's expense , Noah and the flood came to mind .
You can go into Gaza,Ehud but don't do too much.The Arabs will punish the U.S.economy for not keeping a tight leash on you. So cross into Gaza and plant some flowers.
Remember Ehud , it's a restrained and limited green light I give you.

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