Sunday, July 30, 2006


For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden hungryrioters in Beirut taking lunch break
destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.

Enter the peacebrokers, cum clowns ,the incompetent U.N. ,the failed U.S. and the hopeless French cowards and mix with the unquenchable cult of death Islam and you have not peace but hell.

The elite globalist appeasers and fools who always reward Islam at Israel's bloody expense have placed themselve in the mouth of the the devil.
President Bush and his Rice gumbo now offer Hezbollah another piece of Israel's land
(shebba farms)
as reward for their war against Israel .
How would the average U.S. citizen accept a foreign power slicing off parts of the U.S.and giving it to an enemy fireing missiles into our cities ?
This evil man and his arrogant intervention into God's domain will be met headlong by God against him and our land.
This fire will engulf all who entangle themselves in the agenda of Israel's God.
He states for our present terminal generation ;

"And it shall happen in that day that I will make Jerusalem a very heavy stone FOR ALL PEOPLES;
All who would heave it away will surely be cut in pieces,though all the nations of the earth are gathered against it.
"And it shall come to pass in that day ,that I will seek TO DESTROY all the nations that come against Jerusalem "

Zechariah 12

The bad seeds planted in Lebanon,Hezbollah, have grown into a deadly harvest.
To assume to bargin a ceasefire with satan's army is truly nuts.
The father of lies and his destroyer's will only use the stupidity of Israel and the West against them.
The reaping will grow and spread into Syria and Iran and other seats of Islamic hate and intolerance as it must.
After Cana, Nasrallah ,Syria ,Iran now have an excuse to fire WMD's into Israeli cities.
The delusions of a Lebanese Poster and many that you can negotiate with the spirit of hell reveals they are entangled in it's decietful web.
LP writes his Neville Chamberlain, peace in our time delusion ;

""The tragedy for all of us who work in the democratic movement is that all of was being negotiated. We were making so many gains"""

Any ceasfire any agreement with Hezbollah ,Hamas is only a lull in a flaming fire of war which will never be quenched until the juhad spirt of Islam is exorcised and sent to hell along with the Koran. Only then will cousins,the Arab and Jew live in harmony and peace.That day is coming but at present it is IMPOSSIBLE with Islam as the driving force of jihad against all non-moslems.This spirit of hell will not be denied it's harvest of great death and destruction, as Amadinejad furiously gets his nuclear bombs ready to use.The Mid East will be littered with more dead than imaginable because of the spirit of Jihad has been unleashed from hell.

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