Tuesday, August 01, 2006

August 2nd - 3rd ?

I am not a fan of Bible Codes ,but this fellow blogger has many important warnings which
everyone should hear and heed.

August 2nd 2006:Israel suffers a massive attack almost certainly with chemical and/or biological weapons that will kill thousands of people. This attack will probably be in Tel Aviv.

August 2nd 2006, a fire like a terrorIn that day there shall be a great shaking in the land of Israel

August 3rd 2006:Israel destroys Damascus in a sudden attack, probably with one or more nuclear weapons, to avoid being attacked again.

( Israel will hold Syria responsible for the supply of chemical and/or biological weapons to hezbollah.)

There are many references in Bible prophecy and Bible codes that are directly related to the most important events of this war between Israel, hezzbolah and hamas that is taking place in Lebanon, Gaza and in the northern towns of Israel.On top of that these Chapter 8, 2-3 verses refer to times of trouble for Israel, death, destruction, mercy on the city, night, bodies not gathered and not buried and cries among other things.It’s 100% certain that someday Damacus will be completely destroyed.What we don’t know is if it will be on August 3rd 2006, in another day as a consequence of this present war or in another day in a future conflict involving Syria.In my understanding, too many "pieces of the puzzle" fit each other and I don’t believe it happens by chance / coincidence.As a measure of precaution I advise all those who believe it’s better to be safe than sorry and are in Damascus to leave that city immediately and those who are planning to go there to postpone their plans until August 5th.To those in Israel I advise them to be very, very careful on August 2nd and to those in Tel Aviv my advice is to leave the city on August 1st or earlier.
I fear for all those who are leaving Lebanon and are heading to Damascus.
I would be very happy to write a post here on Century 21st on August 5th saying that mankind was spared what could have been the beginning of World War III.
But since until then the destruction of Damascus may happen, I had to write this article and publish this very serious warning.If you truly believe that this tragedy may occur on the dates the Bible codes suggest I advise you to warn other people about this.If you don’t, remember this article if or when you see Israel suffering a massive and unbelievable attack.May the love, peace, grace, justice and salvation of Jesus Christ be with you and never forget that God is directing this war."I form the light, and create darkness; I make peace, and create evil. I am Jehovah, that doeth all these things."
Isaiah 45, 7


  1. Hey thanks,
    Now I have 2 who read this blog .
    Not bad for a years work
    It pays to endure ,lol

  2. Hey Marcel. The important thing is the message. You help remind us to keep our focus on Jesus. So what if some of the prophecies do not happen when some of the articles predict. We know if it is in the Bible and it WILL come to pass one day. Keep up the great work. You were one of the first bloggers I read and inspired me to start my own. Have a blessed evening.

  3. It didn't happen on the exact date,but there can be no mistaking the season is upon us.
    I just read a headline at Drudge & Haaretz where Rice is making decisions for Israel.
    Decisions which favor Israel's enemies.
    This is no error in date setting but cold hard fact.
    These fools,Bush-Rice don't realize the gravity of their evil act's against Israel.
    I make a predection.
    We will IMMEDIATELY pay a high price for this false and worthless ceasefire which only Israel is required to follow.

  4. Whats to enjoy? You always hit close to the mark keep posting
