Sunday, August 13, 2006

By Peace He Shall Destroy Many

Peace in Afghanistan ? Peace in Iraq ?
Peace in Israel with his Road Map ?
The man on the White Horse Revelation 6 :2 conquers for his ignoble vision/nightmare

Dan 8:25
" And through his policy also he shall cause craft to prosper in his hand; and he shall magnify himself in his heart, and by peace shall destroy many: he shall also stand up against the Prince of princes; but he shall be broken without hand. "

Watching the wolf in sheeps clothing closely all these years one thing is for sure
He has magnified himself in his heart greatly.
His ego has enlarged.
"We will complete the mission" is his response when pressured to end his failed adventure going on four
years in Iraq.
But with Israel in a fight for her survival, he pushed a ceasefire a month into this war and allows Hezbollah to go undefeated ,insureing an even greater war to follow.
All the time he had his Secretary Rice pressuring Olmert to keep it a restrained war with the main focus being Air Power.
Mr. Death is Evil

Pride cometh before destruction

A great editorial from Israel below,but most Israeli's still cannot admit that it was their deep religious adherence to the FALSE U.S. peace agenda which put Israel in it present disasterous state.
Deluded by lies of peace and obedient to every suicidal Bush request to Israel for his Palestinian state ,Israel fell into a deep coma .
Maybe thats why their once great General Bulldozer lies in a comatose vegative state after throwing fellow Jews out of their homes to reward the Palestinian terrorist destroyers of Israel
under orders from the man who by peace destroys many .
By his Road Map to peace ,Israel was seduced and now the death toll climbs.

GAMLA Editorial - CHANGE NOW! (or never!)
As it stands this moment, Israel and Lebanon have accepted the UN Security Council Resolution 1701, which calls for a ceasefire in southern Lebanon. It could be that this will mean the end of fighting in Lebanon.
If so, should there be no mistake - the battle will begin inside Israel.
In 1973, where the government could "do no wrong", the tens of thousands of soldiers came home (many returned only after 11 months, and over 3,000 were buried) - and the real battle began. Golda and her party paid for the terrible handling of the war. A quick look at history will show us that many revolutions occur after wars.
This is because soldiers return home and expect things to change after they have fought and endangered their lives for the country, especially after a failed war. This war (assuming it is ending now) has opened up a can of worms.
Ex-Finance minister, Benyamin Netanyahu, told the country the parable of "the skinny man carrying the fat one on his back". In it, he meant the skinny private sector carrying the fat and lazy public sector. In this war, we can use this parable to mean the "skinny" Zionist Israelis, carrying the fat "post-Zionists" on our backs. Since Ari Shavit and Caroline Glick explain this with so much feeling and eloquence, I will let them do the talking on this subject (see below their articles). I will just say that our soldiers will return (again... assuming....) to their homes. They will first want to spend time with their families, many of whom will tell them how it was to be either a refugee, or suffer sitting in bomb shelters for over a month.
They will tell stories of how they could have hit the Hizbollah, but the Army and the government tied their hands.
They will tell stories of reserve units who did not have sufficient gear or ammunition. They will ask a hundred questions: Why did the army say that reserve units are no longer needed, only one year ago?
Why did the army stop funding the Merkava tank, and say that tanks "are no longer needed in 'modern' warfare?
Why did they get orders not to attack houses where terrorists were only because there may have been 'civilians' inside, while putting troops into greater danger? Why did the government hesitate to move forward earlier? Why did the government decide to move forward when they planned to accept the UN resolution?
The big questions will come: Why was the army so badly prepared while they tried to tell us for years that "all was well". What effect did the running away from Lebanon 6 years ago, create this situation. What effect did the exile of Jews from Gaza have? What effect did OSLO have???
Most of these soldiers were the same ones who voted for Olmert and Peretz in the last election. The government will use all it's spinners to again lie their way out of this ... CAN WE SIT BY AND LET THEM????? GAMLA (and the umbrella organization of right wing groups that it leads) is already "arming" itself against these lies. Already posters are being printed, demanding that this government pays for its crimes, that a new government be set up that will immediately make the changes needed. Since OLSO, GAMLA has said that the united Islamic aim is to destroy Israel. Iran says this. Nasrallah says it. Arafat said it. It is time to get ISRAEL to believe this, and prepare and defend itself accordingly.

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