Tuesday, September 05, 2006

The Next " We Told You So "

What Moshe and so many in Israel are afraid to say is that it is the U.S. which has made this possible.

The Next "We Told You So"
by: Moshe Feiglin
Founder and President, Manhigut YehuditElul, 5766 (Sept, 2006)

(Translated from the Hebrew article that appeared in the "Israeli" daily newspaper)
If you are from the Orange Camp, if you have a kippah (skullcap) on your head, a beard or sidelocks -- Heaven forbid -- your warnings are meaningless. It makes no difference that you saw what was in store and you warned of the imminent danger. If you are Orange nobody listened to you before and even now, after it became clear that you were right, nobody will listen anyway...
Nevertheless, I am writing the next "We told you so..." When it happens -- and it's going to happen -- there is going to be a much worse catastrophe here than in the previous round. In the upcoming catastrophe, we will be facing a regular army that is well equipped and well trained, complete with an efficient air force, anti aircraft capabilities and a full armor and engineering corps. Who knows? Maybe then people will start to pay attention to those who "told them so?"
The greatest danger to Israel at this point is Egypt.
When Iran will go nuclear, that will change. But right now, the greatest military threat hanging over Israel's head is the Egyptian threat. There is not, and there never was -- peace with Egypt. "All that poor Menachem got was a piece of paper," said Saadat, "and I got the entire Sinai peninsula, the oil -- everything."
True, since the signing of the Camp David Accords there has not been a war with Egypt. But there has also not been a war with Syria. The only difference between Egypt and Syria is that Egypt -- under the cover of the peace treaty -- has upgraded its primitive army and transformed it into a modern, Western army --- large and well equipped. The Syrian army is still muddling with outdated Soviet weapons from over thirty years ago, T62 tanks and MIG airplanes.
The Egyptian army, on the other hand, has Abrams tanks, American F16s and AIWACs.
The Egyptian army has no enemy other than Israel. Sudan and Libya are absolutely no threat to its security. Egypt spends the same percentage of its GNP on building its military might that Britain spent during World War 2. It is a country that is preparing its army to destroy Israel -- and they even admit it.
The anti-Semitic propaganda in Egypt's government newspapers is even more venomous than the Nazi Der Strimer.
They are preparing themselves militarily and consciously for a war while we continue to glorify the peace garments of the emperor with no clothes.
True, Syria is transferring huge amounts of weapons to Hizbollah. But who exactly is transferring all the weapons into Gaza? (Besides the weapons shipments that Olmert, himself, sent to Gaza...) Where did the Karine A -- loaded with katyushas and anti-aircraft missiles -- come from?
From Alexandria!
How many other weapons ships did we miss? Nobody asks that question -- it may spoil the "peace" with Egypt. And since the destruction of Gush Katif and the abandonment of the Philadelphi Route, they don't even have to use ships anymore!
So don't say that we didn't warn you. And please, don't explain to the grieving families that you just had to give peace a chance.
We don't have any more children to donate to your experiments.
Moshe Feiglin

(experiments hatched in hell) mc


  1. We don't have any more children to donate to your experiments.
    Moshe Feiglin

    There is no fear of mistakes that even the best of the gentile nations makes.

    The loyalty of the writer is correctly
    focused on "Fear of Shamayim".

  2. Rabin,Barak,Netanyahu,Sharon,Peres, Olmert all bent their knee to the god,the master they serve in Washington.
    They ignored Hashem and made a god out of Clinton/Bush and obeyed their every demand with religious loyalty and zeal for a lie of peace.
    Together they had no strength to stand up and say no to the evil U.S. led Oslo and Road Map.
    Weak faithless cowards much like their ancestors ,the ten spies who withstood the two faithful spies Joshua Ben Nun and Calev.
    Israel has a large crop of faithless leaders and faithless voters who stand with them...but there is a FAITHFUL remnant in Israel who only bow their knee to God and not powerful, greedy ,corrupt,lying men .

    Who Voted For Kadima ?
    You were fooled by the political liars who said Israel would be moving Forward.
    Betrayed by devious men who bend their knees to anyone but Hashem.
    Israel is truly moving forward on the new cattle car trains to extermination and with the help of corrupt lying Israeli politicians who have sold their souls to the globalist devils who sacrifice Israel to Islam in salami slices.
    Olmert/Peres will alway weaken Israel and given in to the anti-Israel Road Map agenda which has always been Israel's destruction in the end.
