Tuesday, October 17, 2006


exerpt ;

It is just as naive and demented to envision a battle between "good people" and "bad people" as humans tend to categorize themselves, every one armed to the teeth and the "good" people eventually winning the battle.
For one thing, that isn't even close to what the Bible says about Armageddon.
In God's sight there are no good people, only those who are justified by grace through faith in the shed blood of Jesus Christ, the Redeemer, Savior and King.
That is the message of the Bible with respect to the mission and ministry of the Christ.
And Armageddon is human warfare, presided over by Satan, against Christ and His host of heavenly beings.
So there is a spiritual war behind the earthly war, with spirit beings as well as human beings involved.
It is indeed the consummate battle between good and evil, far greater than what human minds, even the most devout of believers, are able to envision in the terms presented to us in the Bible (which is not a criticism of the Bible).
What, then, could these deluded kings of the earth be fighting against, and with what? If there is a battle, then there must be combat of some sort ... or a condition that will lead to the destruction we associate with the name Armageddon.
How could the armies of the earth ruled by demon-led kings actually enter into a battle with God?
Satan has thus deceived both the kings of the earth and their subjects, mankind in general (except for God's elect) into denying God and disobeying His every commandment and statute given for man's benefit. What this produces, of course, is the total breakdown of all political, religious, social, moral and economic structures that hold the world, such as it is, together with some form of order.
The result is the most ungodly chaos the world system has ever known or beheld. After the great slaughter of Satan's earthly followers, an angel invites the birds to a feast consisting of the carcasses of the slain. (God is also the Master Ecologist.)

After Armageddon, the next judgment is upon the "great harlot" known as Mystery Babylon.
If we look at the history of Babylon, we will find quite easily that it was in Babylon (successor to Sumeria) that we find the beginnings of corrupt politics, false religion, social inequalities, immorality of every sort, and greedy commerce.
Those, according to the commentary, are the elements of this world system that are devastated at Armageddon, never to be seen upon the new earth or in the new heavens, cleansed of all evil for eternity.
God, at whom no missile was ever fired, is pictured as seated on a great white horse (rulership) from which He, as the righteous King, both judges and makes war. (Rev. 19:11) Now the war is over, all that is left is the final judgment of the wicked.
The war is one-sided in God's favor.

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