Wednesday, October 04, 2006

The Dark Lies Exposed by the Light of Truth

Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas said Wednesday that talks with the ruling Hamas militant group on forming a more moderate coalition government have broken down.

So Israel is expected to make peace with mad Palestinian dogs who can't even get along among themselves ?
And the lie that Abbas and Fatah are moderates has been told enough times by the liar in chief and his secretary that the majority now believe it.

Olmert is expected to stress in talks with Rice that the United States must play a central role in countering the threat posed by Iran and its nuclear ambitions.

What happened to Israel's God ?
America has arrogantly assumed to have replaced Him and Israel always runs to their replacement god for salvation.

At the end of the summit, Rice called for the creation of a Palestinian state alongside Israel.

Which is the one nation at the forefront of dividing Israel and rewarding Islamic terrorism ?

This is the first meeting of this forum, which has raised many questions among Arab states regarding its purpose. "This is not a coalition against anybody," said Rice.

Just Israel

The Egyptian foreign minister, Ahmed Abul Gheit, said that no differences of opinion emerged during the meeting, since all the participants are friendly states.

Friendly Egypt helps the Islamic terrorists fighting Israel in many ways .One of their most friendly way is to help smuggle more lethal weapons into Gaza .
Does anyone ask how they are able to acquire such modern high tech weapons by the tonnage and get them into Gaza so easily?

"Our purpose is peace in the region, stability and development. The aim is the establishment of a Palestinian state," he added.

A Palestinian state is the sure way to exterminate Israel as we can see what is happening in Palestinian ruled Gaza and everyone is in agreement with this plan from hell .
See Psalm 83 ;1-5.

President George W. Bush, writes Gardiner, sees himself like Winston Churchill standing against the appeasers, and "believes the world will only appreciate him after he leaves office, talks about the Middle East in messianic terms, and is said to have told those close to him that he has got to attack Iran because even if a Republican succeeds him ... he will not have the same freedom of action that Bush enjoys."

The man on a mission is fueled by a messianic view of himself.
In a way he is correct as He is God's instrument of wrath upon the earth .
Read Revelation 6 and understand that this rider on the white horse has begun his conquering with Afghanistan and Iraq.
His globalist babel agenda has the opposite effect,it takes peace from the earth
instead of bringing peace, democracy and freedom to it.
The red horse , red Russia, the bloody red sword of Islamic Iran, red China and red,red North Korea are mounted and ready to ride. Tribulation is at the door knocking and the false man of peace leads the earth to destruction by his godlike arrogance.
Israel will pay a heavy price for their unswerving allegiance to this covenant of lies & death Road Map and ignoring the Holy One of Israel .


  1. I think you give Bush too much credit. He isn't as bright and coniving as you would have us believe. What I do believe is that he is walking a tight rope with regard to trying to satisfy all the demands put upon him and all of the crises he has faced since entering office. True, Iraq is of his own making. However, Americans won't bite the bullet when it comes to oil. Maybe they can't because the economy would fail without a viable alternative. Therefore, Bush kisses up to the Saudis and tries to appease Israel simultaneously. He fights a war on terror while trying not to offend "moderate" Muslims. I wouldn't want to be in his shoes-carrying on a day to dayjuggling act. I think he is just about as powerless as the rest of us when it comes to trying to right all of the wrongs. Maybe his greatest fault is that he doesn't realize just how powerless he is.

    Carl from America

  2. I can tell you voted for the man and this is why you waste valuable time making excuses for the liar in chief.
    I'm so tired of all the excuses.
    Do you actually believe them ?

    The reason so many do this is because they are too proud to admit they were conned.

    Bush is a fraud thru and thru ,He's a republican in name only and a new world order globalist who used the stupid *religious voters to get elected.
    He's a liberal wolf in sheep's clothing.
    He has *defecated on them ,his base, and this reveals who this man really is.
    Your delusion that he even attempts to satisfy those who voted for him reveal's how deep the darkness has set in.
    That's what happpens with those who ignore the truth.

    "walking a tight rope with regard to trying to satisfy all the demands put upon him "

    Name one
    He fulfils only his own agenda.
    This is why the U.S. border is still wide open and why Israel is betrayed for his fake peace.
    This is why he stubbornly ignores everyone and continues down the path to disaster.
    The waste of hundred's of billions of dollars in Iraq for his pipe dream failure is the same Israel can expect from his failed Road Map.

    "Therefore, Bush kisses up to the Saudis and tries to appease Israel simultaneously"

    Sounds like a cheap whore to me.
    Appease Israel by stealing their land and rewarding the Islamic terrorists with it ?
    Come on ,WAKE UP !!
    It's hard to reason with blind, deaf and dumb Bushbots who ignore reality and follow the party lie line.
    Another definition for a double minded hypocrite ?
    "He fights a war on terror while trying not to offend "moderate" Muslims."
    Terror ? ,do you mean Islamic terror ?
    The term moderate has been cheapened to mean Moslem's who do not openly side with their fellow Jihadist but do so secretly.
    Just like Bush's hand picked hero ,the 'moderate' Palestinian terrorist leader Abbas. Bush decieves the naive and gulliable into believing his lies that abbas is a moderate when he is the terrorist leader of terrorist groups Fatah and Al Akqsa .
    Dumb U.S. voters are so easily decieved ,it's no wonder everything is in such a downward spiral.

  3. I voted for Bush and hate to admit it!! You are so right!! God help us!!

  4. Me again... I voted for Bush for 2 reasons: 1st, He is opposed to partial birth abortions- the biggest crime and the one most closely related to the plight of the Jews in Nazi Germany. 2nd, The alternative was Kerry. No way in hell would I vote for that liberal! You refer frequently to mine and other's "dumbness", "blindness", stupidity" and the like. What do you suggest as an alternative? Nancy Pelosi and the new Democratic Party isn't an option. Third party canidates don't have the draw it takes to make presidents. The only recourse, in consideration of what you say, is not to vote at all or start a revolution. Neither are very good alternatives. I would like an alternate candidate that would live up to your standards. Where is he or she?

    Carl in America

  5. Still so much faith and hope in corrupt,perverted,lying men ?
    Your faith is great in spite of all the evidence.
    How stupid to build your foundation on the lies of a man who does nothing but moves his lips for the murdered babies of America while thousands die for his worthless & failed war's.

    Your stubborn heart still defends this evil FRAUD whose arrogance assumes to divide the land God has alloted to His people Israel.
    If you are too proud to see this ,there is nothing more to say to awaken you from your delusion.
    You asked ;
    ""What do you suggest as an alternative? ""

    There is NO HOPE or solution in the vote or any political power, they both lead to God's judgment, death and destruction.
    There is only one hope and only one vote and that is for the Kingdom of God.
    Jeremiah 17 :5
    The question to ask is ;
    Are you cursed as well as stupid ?
    Time is short. If you continue to lean on the political realm ,you will be destroyed along with those who are likewise cursed with this terminal wickedness.
    The truth is often painful and I would rather give it to you than hold it back and worry about hurting your feelings.

  6. In the long run, your not teling me anything new- I've always depended on G-d. However, I don't take the fatalistic approach. That is, throw my hands in the air and do nothing. By the way, you won't make many converts by calling them "stupid". G-d bless you anyhow. Carl

  7. You say you have faith in God but your actions deny it.

    You are doing something ,something wrong.
    You are taking a stand with evil men who lie and decieve and lead God's people away from trust in Him.

    This is your downfall if you do not awaken and turn away from lies.
    Do you know the truth ? or is it fatalistic for you to desire and seek the Kingdom of God ?

    fatalistic ?
    What flavor believer in God are you ?

    Do you know what God had the bible prophets write about our time ?
    I think if you did you would not be wasteing valuable time voting for failed ,lying incompetent leaders.

    God even calls most of His people stupid because they are.

    I recently wrote 2 times to journalist D. Dolan asking him why he was so afraid to speak out about the FALSE MAN OF PEACE ,President Bush.
    Although he never responded ,I notince a sharp change in his writing .
    * He mentions the president succintly and I am content that what I am doing is producing results however small.
    Awakening the blind, deaf and dumb is truly a hard if not impossible job. It is an almost fatalistic job.
    Noah didn't have one convert.
    Eventually ,you will fall of the fence you are stuck on .Better now than later ,Carl.

    Despite this, Jerusalem remains filled to the brim with overseas Christian and Jewish visitors for the annual feast. I spoke before hundreds of people Tuesday morning at an annual feast conference at the Ramat Rachel hotel in south Jerusalem, overlooking nearby Bethlehem. The International Christian Embassy of Jerusalem reports that a sudden last minute surge of pilgrims from across the globe, mainly from relatively nearby Europe, brought the numbers attending their annual feast celebration to near their average of some 5,000 people (from 80 countries), despite the recent war. Nearly 100,000 Israelis and foreign tourists paraded down Jerusalem’s main street on Tuesday afternoon to mark the feast, on a beautiful cloudless day with pleasant temperatures. Wherever you are in the world today, I hope it is a good day for you.
    Apocalypse imminent? Look around you

    Posted: October 12, 2006
    1:00 a.m. Eastern

    During a recent speaking tour in the United Kingdom, I was asked a question that frequently arises from secular folks in my audiences, and sometimes even from professing Christians and Jews.

    "Why are you evangelicals so eager for the apocalypse to take place?" Usually the question is followed by a critical modifier such as "You are all so focused on violence and death," or "Why not work for peace instead of dwell on war and conflict?"

    I replied that it is hard not to notice that the world is falling apart. After all, it is usually non-religious scientists and activists, not doomsday Christians, who are warning the global community every day that we are wrecking our planet's delicate ecological system with polluting automobiles and spreading smokestack industry, massive deforestation and slash burning, overpopulation, etc.

    If you add soaring worldwide cancer rates, spiraling viral plagues like AIDS and other diseases, increasingly devastating earthquakes, floods and tidal waves, expanding deserts adding to growing famine, melting icebergs around the north and south poles, burgeoning international terror attacks, gang violence and murder rates, and mushrooming nuclear weapons proliferation – most recently in libertarian lights like Pakistan and North Korea, with radical Shiite Iran apparently also well along the way to owning The Bomb – you have good reason to sleep a little less soundly at night, evangelical Christian or not.

    The ancient Hebrew prophets, including Jesus of Nazareth, foretold that the world would be engulfed by unprecedented political, military and ecological upheaval as history raced toward its final chapter. As I told my most recent questioner, this is simply a matter of fact, as any cursory reading of the Old and New Testaments will confirm.

    Of course, other world religions duplicate this apocalyptic scenario, especially Islam, even if the details sometimes differ. Popular psychics and mystics like Nostradamus and Jean Dixon have long echoed this rather bleak prognosis of how human history will end.

    The Hebrew prophets' contemporary Israeli cousins are feeling a little apocalyptic themselves these days. For the first time since just before the 1967 Six Day war, a Jewish prime minister has publicly voiced fears that the small state's continued existence is now in question.

    In a statement to his fellow cabinet ministers in early October, Ehud Olmert spoke about Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's repeated vow in recent months that the world's only Jewish-run state would soon be completely obliterated by his theocratic Shiite Muslim country.

    "From the point of view of seriousness, this tops the state of Israel 's list," the prime minister laconically told his government subordinates, adding ominously that "It is potentially an existential threat." Olmert later reportedly admitted to visiting Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice that the Iranian annihilation pledge "keeps him awake" at night.

    Under widespread attack for his controversial management of the inconclusive summer war with rogue Hizbullah militiamen in Lebanon, the embattled Israeli leader confided to his cabinet ministers that he firmly believes President Bush will take care of the looming Iranian nuclear threat. But opinion polls show few Israelis expect the U.S. president – whose final-stretch popularity ratings are almost as low as Olmert's already are in his first months in office – will actually bite the radioactive atomic bullet.

    This might mean that tiny Israel will end up having to defend the Free World all by itself against Hitler's Aryan clone; a nightmarish prospect at best.
    But at least that would prove to the Israeli public that Dubya is not the Promised Messiah, nor the United States Israel's Ultimate Protector, as many now firmly believe.

    Speaking of Messiah, a recent survey carried out by the Smith Institute for the country's largest daily newspaper, Yediot Ahronot, showed that a clear majority of Israelis believe he will come to rescue the country in its darkest hour, as the ancient prophets foretold.

    Although the same poll showed that only one-third of the Jewish population bothers to visit a synagogue on a regular basis, a full 71 percent believe that the God of Israel actually exists. On top of that, 57 percent think that the long-expected Messiah will appear one day in Jerusalem. Most added that they are aware of the apocalyptic prophecies that strongly indicate that the day of his arrival may be drawing very near.

    In light of this decade's horrific Palestinian terrorist attrition war that has so far taken the lives of over 1,000 Israelis, and the latest Lebanon conflict with Iran's proxy force that snuffed out another 160 lives and left the northern third of the country reeling from daily rocket bombardments, it is no surprise that 39 percent of the poll respondents testified that they have become closer to their ancestral faith in recent years. Only 9 percent said the decade's dramatic events have driven them further from God.

    Since the Hebrew prophets foretold that Israel 's salvation, not nuclear destruction, is the ultimate outcome of the monstrous upheaval predicted for the end of days, it should not be surprising that the turbulent events of recent years are apparently literally driving many in this special Promised Land to their knees. With medical science now confirming that possessing heartfelt spiritual convictions is healthy for mind and body, and with the prophets also forecasting a golden age of peace under Messiah's righteous rule, I am quite happy to mention the biblical last days in my international lectures – scary or not.


    DAVID DOLAN is a Jerusalem-based author and journalist who has lived and worked in Israel since 1980.

    HOLY WAR FOR THE PROMISED LAND (Broadman & Holman), his latest book, is an overview of the history of the Israel and of the bitter Arab-Israeli conflict that rages there, plus some autobiographical details about the author’s experiences living in the land since 1980. It especially examines the important role that militant Islam plays in the conflict.
    ISRAEL IN CRISIS: WHAT LIES AHEAD? (Baker/Revell), which examines the political and biblical prospects for a regional attack upon Israel, settlement in the disputed territories, and related topics, is also available for purchase, along with an updated edition of his popular end-time novel, THE END OF DAYS (21st Century Press).
    You may order these books at a special discount price by visiting his web site at, or by phoning toll free 888-890-6938 in North America, or by e mail at:

    DOLAN'S NEW DVD, "FOR ZION'S SAKE" is now available for purchase. Click the title under "BOOKSTORE" for more details.


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  8. Good stuff.

    Best to you & yours,
    -Kyrinn S. Eis
