Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Christian's Hiding The Truth

Some Christian Zionists in Jerusalem are the blind leading the blind.
They ignore the evil President Bush does against Israel because their hope is in him to save them and Israel.
A popular Jerusalem blogger wrote a good article warning the U.N. of God's judgment but not the U.S. and the major part she plays in this evil agenda.
Who is the real power behind the U.N. ?
If you don't know ,WAKE UP and find out before it's too late !!!

This blogger blocked me from posting the truth (below)
These Christian's protect the beast which helps Islam devour Israel only giving limited criticism when not hiding America's evil anti-christ global agenda.
This is sad and it reveals who their faith truly lies in.
They don't really love the truth.
They would much rather hold onto the lies and delusion which will lead them and those who follow them astray.
Why else would they ignore the truth that is is the U.S. which gave birth to this monster ?
Are they afraid of angering their supporters with the truth and losing $upport ?
Something is wrong with this covering up of the facts !
jeremy wrote; "So we need to find someone who is a world leader that loves Israel."
JEREMY,There is one ,Messiah Jesus although an imposter anti-christ is waiting in the wings . Don't look too hard for a human earthly leader who supports Israel, you might find the false messiah.

The U.N. was birthed in the U.S., is centered in the U.S. and is part of the U.S. one world government agenda. Bolten's smoke and mirrors support for Israel was easliy lapped up by the blind guides.Interesting how the World Trade Center was taken out before the U.N.World Government Center in New York City was.
Judgment comes to economic,political and religious Babylon,possibly in that order ?
The evil monster is a creation and reflection of the not so hidden U.S. agenda under both Democrat and Republican administrations.
Revelation 18;16 records the destruction of that great city detroyed in one hour,that great city is NYC , the center of global commerce.
"saying Woe,woe,the great city,she who was clothed in fine linen and purple and scarlet......
(Lots of linen and purple and scarlett at 1 United Nations Plaza in New York City)
Revelation 18;17
for in one hour such great wealth has been laid waste!"
The global currency is the U.S. dollar until it's judgment and destruction by God.
The iron and clay, democracy and islam do not mix too well as we see in Iraq.
Democracy has been the false peacemaker's way of uniting the world.
It's failed everywhere he has gone conquering and to conquer.
Afghanistan,Iraq and Israel where he seeks to plant his terrorist led Palestinian state.
Christian's should know that the gospel of the Kingdom of God is the only message for this hour and the wannabe phony prince of peace will succeed only in death and destruction and all out nuclear war.
See Revelation 6 ;2
But sadly many Christian's have hitched their wagons to this wolf in sheeps clothing and will go down with him to the pit of hell.
This deciever has easily duped many of the elect, dumb sheeple who claim to follow Jesus

He betrays Israel and rewards Islamic destroyers and nothing he does awakens them to who he really is.
Making excuses for evil is evil on your part

If the U.S. was a 'good; nation ,the U.N. would have long ago been moved to some other nation. Even with the smoke and mirror's show of Bush and Bolten and their phony support of Israel at the U.N.,Israel suffers more and more.
With friends like this who needs friends like this ?
The U.N. beast ,sits in the HEART of the U.S. beast and no U.S. leader will remove it because the U.S. is the dominant global power pushing satan's last days global government.
Babylon the great is America.
Babylon the great pays the majority of the bills at the U.N and pushes the agenda of Satan's one world government there 24/7 and this truth is hidden by the blind guides of the blind in Jerusalem.
Why ?
Who are they really serving ?
Could the problem be patriotic idolatry which blinds Christians to the role America plays for Satan in these last days ?


  1. Speaking of the UN Herb Peters commentray was good.

  2. Thanks for the link,
    Herb thinks Bolton would help or save Israel at the U.N.
    It's all a scam to fool the dumb sheep.
    Nothing good comes from the U.N. whether it's bolton sitting there or his democrat replacement Mitchell,handpicked by the phony conservative Bush.
    If the U.S. was a 'good 'country, the U.N would have been dismantled and removed long ago.
    The truth is ,Bush and his CFR crowd love it and pay most of the bills for this organization.
    It's too late for America and Bolten did nothing of substance to help Israel.
    So what if he blocked a vote against Israel. Better that the hypocrite U.S. disappear and Israel completly trust in the God for help.
    The help they get now from the U.S. is slowly killing them.
    Herb misses the point that America has already betrayed Israel with the Bush led Road Map.
    I don't follow him or most experts. They miss the mark so much of the time

  3. This Christian Zionist and others refuse to see the prophetic statement of the Messiah in Luke 13:32-35: "...you shall not see Me until the time comes when you say, 'Blessed is He who comes in the name of YHWH.'" Of course, the Messiah was quoting Ps. 118:26.

    The eyes of Jerusalem and all others must be removed from EVERY other person or government and placed on the returning Messiah. I hate to say it, but this means that the current relationship between the US and Israel will cease to exist, one way or the other. Israel's eyes will be turned away from the US and to the Messiah (Zech. 12:10).


  4. Eric,
    Thats what the Lord has burned in my heart.
    Sadly the majority, Jew's and Christian's have made an Idol out of their false hope.
    It has tainted his writing as to the place America plays in end time prophecy.
    I think thats dangerous and I'm praying for him.
    Many blind leading the blind as Jesus warned us to beware about the deception in these last days.
    I do believe its part of the strong delusion.

    One of his blogs in late November
    said that Bush was not restraining Israel as much as Clinton was.
    Is he that decieved or is he selling a false agenda to the dumbed down majority of readers there ?
    Not wanting his idol America bad mouthed he has blocked me from posting there.

    It's been a blessing to share a message which God told me beforehand would not be well recieved by His people.

    God bless and keep you ,

  5. Marcel,

    Though I love the nation of my birth, when I see the Scarlet, Linen, and Violet banner waving all over the place, I just have to sigh...

    Maranatha, Yeshua Ha Moschiach!
