Friday, December 15, 2006

Who Alone is Faithful ?

Who are you really trusting in ?

A sleeping saint (matt25) asked this question;
"If GOD sent Jonah to Nineveh, may be he’ll send a firey preacher to stir up a national revival"

God has already sent a number of people and warnings and because they were not flashy,fleshy worldly, successful preaching Tel-Evangelists with a positive and prosperous message for the Laodecian flock they were for the most part ignored.

The flock loves to follow the hirelings who tickle their ears .
They reject the truth for sweet lies and false hopes as this president has been to them.

The message has to be sugary and salt free for them to hear.
If it sounds in anyway harsh, they reject it even when it's from the Lord.

When you follow Idol's ,they eventally come crashing down in pieces upon you.
You pray but God does not hear your prayers for America ,the more you pray and fast ,the worse things get.
She has passed the point of no return and will not be able to escape the trap of Iraq.
Israel's trust in America for security is Idolatry.

Another mighty kindgdom brought down in Babylon

Israel will pay a great price for this cursed U.S. relationship which has weakened her and strengthened her enemies and brought no peace to her.

I am amazed at the blindness of Christian's to the reality that the U..S has strengthened Israel's enemies and weakened Israel by the false peace process of the Bush-Clinton-Bush syndicate of evil.

A relationship which has given them false hope and kept them from sincerly seeking their God. Trusting in lies and corrupt men has brought Israel to this fateful place.

Everything will go from bad to worse for the U.S. here and especially in Iraq.
Much death and destruction for our Army in Iraq is coming.
Israel will awaken to her foolish,faithless trust in American princes and seek their God.
Pray rather that you may be able to escape all these things which now come to pass and stand faithful and endure to the end.
another blind saint wrote;
Expose the wicked ones in our gov’t which plot the destruction and division of the land of Israel.

Dear blind one,
God exposed them long ago and a majority of His decieved people elected them into power.
Democrat and Rebublican, left wing ,right wing of the same carnivarous bird.

You reveal where your faith truly lies when you lean on this rotted political system and trust in these corrupt leaders to do the right thing.


  1. I love what you wrote I think in Stan's blog awhile back. "The weapons of our warfare are not political"!!! What don't they get about that?

  2. It's sad !
    I know most of those there under delusion ignore the warnings to their hurt.
    It reveal's where their hearts truly lie.
    My sheep hear my voice Jesus said;
    There is no call to repentance in/for America. To assume praying for our leader's to do the right thing by Israel ignores this blaring fatal spiritual condition of America.

    More sad is the subtle deception they fall into which may damn their souls.
    Jesus warned ;If it were possible even the very elect would be decieved.
    I respect Stan and his support for Israel ,but a litle leaven will ruin the whole loaf if he does not remove it.
    Love the truth or fall into the lie. Many Christian's are falling into the lie.

  3. Some times I wonder if they believe God even exists. If you did you would believe His Word is the Truth and if you believed that then you should get it!!!!
