Sunday, January 07, 2007

Is Bush Preparing for War With Iran ?

The going assessment from the west is ;
Iran must not be allowed to build or posess nuclear weapons.

It's possible they already have some(on loan from N.Korea, Ukraine) and we have a serious error in progress.
It won't be the first ,but it will be the last.

President Bushs' pride ( not going down in history as a loser) will drive him and the world into the end of days.
Here in Florida near the Gulf of Mexico ,approx 40 miles inland I can hear the rare practice bombings for the past few weeks.The concussions reverberate this far.
They've gotta be some big bombs.
Amadinejad has promised to attack before Iran is attacked ,and this has been forgotten by most watchers. The U.N. has enacted some waek sanctions which will only get Iran ready for what they know is coming.
Also ,Jim from Cyprus mentioned an armada of WAR ships docking there which haS not been seen in a number of years.
Although I do hate date setting I do know that the TRIBULATION time is upon us.
In 2005 while reading Revelation 6;2 the Lord showed me that the Conqueror on the white horse had already conquered Afghanistan and Iraq and # 3 would set in motion the red horse and the time of Tribulation.
Here is a possible way it may play out.
The arrogant divider of Israel and rewarder of God's enemies will call for a blockade of Iran and this is how the end of America will begin.
The 'experts' all seem to forget that Russia and China will be greatly involved in this war and that is what will seal the fate of America along with the tens of thousands of Islamic terrorists already in this country thanks to the incompetence of the fool we have as President and his open borders policy.
A leader is the reflection of the people he rules.
Israel is freed from it's yoke of dependance on America and Israel begins to seek their God in earnest.
Remember, in God's worldview the center of the earth is Jerusalem and not the doomed American empire.
I've been watching all of this closely and think its highly probable that it all begins around March or earlier.
I don't know but 'When they say peace and safety then sudden destruction'...
Everything is in motion for the end of days as we know them.
Keep in mind that this is God's judgment on a wicked world which has rebelled against Him and His law.
As it was in the days of Noah ..............
You can learn more about these closing days of mans rule on earth in Revelation and any of the O.T. Jewish prophets


  1. After listening to President Bush's speach I would say yes. Jesus is the only safety.


    I wonder how many Christians in America realize where we are at in God's timetable ?
    Yesterday the errie hand writing on the wall of Babylon's soon to be defeated King came to mind.
    Weighed in the balances and found wanting.
    Today the word of God's revelation that in 1 hour Babylon is destroyed.
    I think we are going to get hit by surprise ,unexpectedly and in a devestating way.
    It's the way of all arrogant empires which turned away from God.
