Friday, January 05, 2007

U.S. to Supply Islamic Terrorists 86.4 million

U.S to supply Islamic terrorists bent on Israel's destruction 86.4 million.
The Jewish prophet Daniel (while in Babylon) wrote of a futute world leader who by the ruse of peace destroys many in Israel and elsewhere.
Interesting how this world leader is the true power in modern day Babylon,don't you think ?
It's happening now by way of the false peace Bush Road Map.
Even after failed Oslo,Wye,Tenant,Mitchell,Zinni,Sharm el Sheikh,Aquaba,and the final curse on Israel Road Map, Israel continued down the tracks to the death camps.
Trusting in America for peace & security has only weakened and brought Israel closer to it's planned extermination.
What do supplying millions in weapons to Palestinian terrorists have to do with peace ?
Nothing ,but the deception is embraced by the Jewish sheep headed to slaughter once again.
Israel your leaders lead you to hell and not peace.
The fruit of the Road Map and Iraq fiasco are evident to all, and yet Israel chases after this failure in an idolatrous way,incapable of letting go of this false god.
This sin against the Holy One of Israel will bring great suffering to Israel and not an iota of any real peace.
Israel ,when will you stop trusting in lies and anull the covenant with death Road Map to hell ?


  1. Everyone needs to read your link Prophet of Doom!!!! The terrorists time line is very interesting....

  2. The majority will never take the time. They are content tol be brainwashed by the Orwellian Government Media New World DisOrder Establishment.
    Lokk at how they went along with the liar in Chief's word that Islam is a religion of peace and that we are fighting 'terrorism' and not Islam itself.
    The U.S. is like an over-ripe rotting fruit ready to be plucked and our idiot leaders and corrupt wicked nation clearly reveal this sad reality.

  3. It will only be when the Jews recognize that they need the salvation that comes from the cross. And they need to do that now. There are no second chances when Jesus comes back.
