Wednesday, February 14, 2007

The Lumbering,Sleepy Giant

The symbol of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard
1. IRG sneak up on U.S. warship and engrave their coat of arms on it.
2. Islamic terrorism in America covered up by U.S.Government Media
The U.S. Governmentmedia dis-information services purpously left out the fact that it was a Bosnian moslem who went into the Trolly Square Mall in Salt Lake City Monday evening to kill as many people as he could.
They have successfully covered up many previous attacks and the sheeple are clueless that the war has already arrived to our shores. Here are just a few
(Seattle-moslem attack kills and wounds at Jewish comunity center , North Carolina- moslem runs down students at University, San Francisco- moslem runs down people on street,also many chemical plants,refineries explode and the cause is never revealed.This happened last year at Heathrow U.K. major fuel storage depot explosion,the cause was never revealed,just covered up)
The sure sign that it is Islamic terrorism is when the authorities say it was not before they even have a chance to investigate or when they say it will take an extremely long period of time to know what the cause was.
They know the average American's atttention span is short and the incident will soon be forgotten like the TWA 800 flight shot down over Long Island sound and the Airbus 300 which lost it tail section and crashed in Brooklyn after 9/11.
They lied about the cause of these crashes.
The liar Bush says we must fight them in Iraq so that we don't have to fight them here.
Today on ABC Radio it was reported that the Bush Administration has given the go ahead to bring in 7,000 to 8,000 Iraqi refugees from his failed Babylon adventure.

On top of that ,this evil president refuses to listen to anyone and keeps the border wide open for terrorists,illegal immigrants and drug smugglers to enter in at will
It's worse than stupidity on the part of those in power

The Islamic terrorists are here and the Government Media coddle and protect them.
They are part of the plan to bring chaos and martial law to America.
The dumb sheep are looking for another presidential election which will not happen with a dictator in power under absolute control.


  1. Hello,

    I just found your site here. Interesting article.
    Okay, so the Muslim terrorists are here as you say. What do you propose the president should do to the Muslims here?

  2. 1.Give them all a free year's pass to Disney World ?
    2.Do the same thing they did with the 19 Saudi,Egyptian,Arab 9/11 hijackers,give them visa's,green cards and protect them .
    3.Make sure their rights are protected and let them get away with murder.
    4. Arrest and threaten any who would expose the dangers of Islam to the west so as not to make the intolerant,violent,evil followers of allah feel inferior.

  3. What do you propose the president should do to the Muslims here?

    Thats a loaded question.
    Why do you ask ?

    The problem is bigger than a dumb,blind president or incompetent ICE,Border Patrol,Homeland Security, CIA,FBI,Customs.
    The whole corrupt sysyem is broke and in melt down ,the emperor has no clothes or mind.
    All the experts can do is lie to the dumbed down sheeple or feed them non-news delusion and fluff like Anna Nicole,ect.
    It's God judgment on the U.S. which causes our enemies to flood in to destroy us,and this is happening under the eyes of the Authorities.
    I don't have any confidence in this president to do anything correctly.
    He's under a divine curse for diividing hte land of Israel and rewarding the Ilsamic terrorists who threaten Israel.
    There is also a price we pay for turning away from God as a nation.
    A cloud of doom is over him and this nation,so the future is very bad for this country.

  4. My question is, if one is a Christian, WHY are you looking to the Prez to do ANYTHING?

    Why not look to your Lord? Why do you trade faith in the Creator for faith in a mere MAN?

    THAT is why God is allowing our judgment, among the reasons Marcel stated.

    Let Bush do nothing. Let him do everything. Fact is, if God is behind him, the 'terrorists' will not succeed. If He is not behind him, they will not fail.

    So it IS a loaded question. The assumption is everyone is looking to Bush to 'save us'. Isn't that how we GOT here? Have we learned not a damned thing in SEVEN YEARS? Some of us are trusting in God, therefore we sleep well at night. Let the Bush worshippers lie awake worrying about these things. They trust in their god, we trust in ours.

    As an aside, Marcel, you mentioned 'turning against God' as a nation. Be careful of this particular apostasy. There was never a time when America ever WAS a 'Christian nation'. NO mention of Christ in the Constitution. Nor is there bible, God, or Christianity.

    The founders went to great lengths to AVOID an official religion, and stated so much. Art. 6 Section 3 says NO RELIGIOUS TEST is required to serve public office. No one seems to want to acknowledge that while they wave their little flags. At NO point was this nation ever devoted to God, so how can it 'come back'? It was secular from the beginning. It was born in rebellion and bloodshed. When did God tell us to do that on His behalf?

    Satan is using that erroneous belief to keep Christians on a holy 'crusade' to 'redeem the nation'. God told us the way to do THAT in 2 Chron 7:14. NO mention of passing laws or waging holy wars in that passage. That belief is why many voted for Bush to begin with. It is satanic, non-scriptural, and historically inaccurate.

    We are trying to take Lucifer's nation from him, and he is much too smart and powerful for that. We fight spirits with flesh, and fight flesh instead of spirit.

    Remember your Daniel 9: EVERY NATION is controlled by wicked powers. EVERY. Israel is the only one under Divine protection. So who controls the US? (Hint, same spirit that controlled Babylon, hence Jer 50/51))

    Google 'Treaty of Tripoli'. Read article 11. No one has been able to dispute it.

    **a friend**

  5. BTW--the main diff between then and now is simply there was more RESPECT for the bible, because there was respect for ALL religions, due to the pluralistic nature of the society.

    Evolution, among other things, has changed that. Millions accept it as scientific 'fact', and the best response we can muster is demanding 'alternate views' in school. Never mind your kid will have it taught to him first year in college, on YOUR NICKEL, and lose his faith. Best kept secret in academia.

    Once again, fighting the wrong battles with the wrong weapons, and wondering why it doesn't work. For one thing, it's WORKS-BASED.

    The nation cannot be saved for ONE simple reason: No one wants to follow the simple instructions in 2 Chron 7:14. That is all God asks. And it's directed at HIS PEOPLE, not anyone else.

    We want to do it OUR way. Fine. Good luck with that.


  6. My question is, if one is a Christian, WHY are you looking to the Prez to do ANYTHING?

    Who said I was looking to the Putz to do anything ?
    Did you read what I wrote above ?
    ''I don't have any confidence in this president to do anything correctly''

    I thorw mud at the idol of many Christians hopeing to provoke them to snap out of their strong delusion.
    Most cover for their idol or make excuses ,a few wake up.
    I agree with so much of what you write but we have to admit that once it was O.K. to have things of God such as the ten comnadments posted openly in our nation ,but no longer.
    I do see the Christian idol worshipers attempting to save what cannot be saved.They are fighting against the God they claim to serve and those of us who do not bow to their Idol.
    It's quite similar to Israel and Jeremiah's message to the patriot's of Israel in that day.
    The small remaining remnant even went down to powerful Egypt for safety against God's command.


  7. ** but we have to admit that once it was O.K. to have things of God such as the ten comnadments posted openly in our nation ,but no longer.**

    That is true. Again, precisely BECAUSE of the pluralistic nature of things then.

    Just cuz we have a lot of Christians here doesn't make us a Christian nation, and more than having lots of food in a supermarket makes it a restaurant. Clumsy analogy, but you get the point.

    The Commandments, after all, were a law given unto OT Israel for the purpose of setting them apart. Remember, even THEY could not keep them all, and they saw the Lord face to face. How much less can modern secular man keep them all, and he doesn't even acknowledge God? So the Commandments are a token gesture at best. We were no more righteous when they were up than we are now. It's works based.

    We talk a lot about the home/family as the first line of a stable society. Yet we worry about what everyone else does in THEIR home. WE need to concentrae ourselves on keeping the commands, and not worry about the sinner who is already doomed. A sinner keeping the commandments is still going to hell, because works are filthy rags.

    That was part of the point being made. It s not God's plan to establish a theocracy based in America. His kingdom gets established by HIM, so we cannot take credit.

