Friday, May 18, 2007

The Facts on Sderot

Link to news story - this below is response #48

I find this article to be highly-disturbing, and some of the comments. Let's talk facts: the estimate of 3,000 is RIDICULOUS. I had trouble finding people in my neighborhood - the city is deserted....I would be surpised if 50% are still here....23,000 was not the right #...that was 5 years ago. Ashkenazi wants to help: move the arabs area from Sderot 36km (twice the range of current missiles)...Olmert wants to help (commit suicide sir--you are a snake and betrayer of the nation)....Bibi wants to help (sure)....this is all political nonsense...if I had confronted any of these barbarians in my hometown....after what I saw this week..I would have gone mad. Let me fill you in...Sderot is dead and garbage mail...few minyan closed for buses....lots of unusable shelters...not one person has checked on me or offered assistance or support...not one by phone or coming to my door...I have no idea where I would go in emergency. A recent poll said 75% of Sderot would approve major military strikes..even knowing it would be hell here (100 a day for weeks)...but 94% believe the gov't will do nothing to protect them...and that is why everyone left...there is no trust in our army or government. There are many poor immigrants (Russian and Ethiopian--our brothers and sisters) who have nowhere to go. I myself was in backyard on Thursday and massive Kassam landed 20 yards away and destroyed neighbor's house. (see video as down on homepage). Sderot has lost its brave battle...more accurately...the Jewish people have made Sderot another of crazy and dangerous uncle shimon's "sacrifices for peace"...the future of our 52-year-old "settlement" is over...Unless the idf can stop almost all these missiles and soon....which is impossible given our leadership and ideological state of our military....Sderot will cease to be.....I intend, if needs be, to be last person is fear of the terrorists which is emboldening them.....If I was scoring this week, Hamas achieved all its goals and Israel slipped further into deterrance nightmare...the modern state of Israel is on verge of 3-front rocket war....but all I can finish with should see the children here...before they left that is unethical and immoral and suicidally-dangerous for the Jewish people to allows its citizens to be either slaughtered, maimed, and/or driven from their homes of decades..first Gush Katif, now Sderot, and it will lead to Tel Aviv and Jerusalem....anyone who doesn't see that is either in denial or unable to see the situation in its full light...G-d help us...since the Israeli left is leading us on a deathmarch that they call a "peace process"...The best peace process that Israel ever engaged in was the 67 war....and that is the truth....a strong Israel that the arabs that will bring regional peace and prosperity.

Sderot resident

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