Sunday, May 06, 2007

Greensburg,Kansas Cut in Pieces

And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people: all that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces, though all the people of the earth be gathered together against it.
Zechariah 12:3.

We are seeing the fulfillment of God's word at this late hour and it is directed against the primary nation and world leader who carves up Israel under his lie of peace.
The heartland of the U.S. ,a small town was wiped of the face of the earth by a strange tornado one and one quarter mile wide.
This incredible fact should awaken some to ask ,Isn't this unusual,Is God trying to tell us something ?


'The Lord has His way in the whirlwind and in the storm'
Nahum 3

The government media has the British Queen as pleasant fill-in when we as Ameircan's should be asking ;
What the heck is going on ? Repenting in the fear of God.
The church has failed on the messsage of judgment repentance ,focusing on love and false unity by watering down the truth to make it palatable to the masses.
As it has been thru out history ,the vast majority will fail to connect the dots and not understand what is happening to America until judgment day.
Satan has truly blinded their eyes so they cannot and will not hear the truth.
This goes for much of the church in America.
Think about this ;
One day after the U.S. President sent Secretary Rice to trample Israel's sovereignty with terms of appeasment and surrender to the dark and evil forces of Islam, Greensburg Kansas was wiped off the map.
God in His mercy sends many warnings that are completly ignored as the blind and the fool head full speed ahead for destruction.
It seems that God's mercy is waneing and judgment is speeding up.
The death toll is low ,so they say ?
But it is clear from God's own mouth that those who seek to meddle with His regathering of Israel are walking into hell ,cut in pieces,small pieces.

That any supposed Christian can stand with and side with this evil president reveals how strong the delusion and darkness is that has engulfed this earth.
This earth is under God's wrath and judgment for the wickedness and evil that covers it and the satanic new world order that president Bush sek to build on his sacrifice of Israel to his god Satan will be short lived and another failed Babel .
Seek the Kingdom of God alone, and separate yourself from the lies and deception of hell.

As it was in the days of Noah ,few survivors.


  1. What I want to know is what is the connection between all these "color" cities we keep hearing about. There was the massacre in BLACKSBURG, VA and then the Democrats had their debates in ORANGEBURG, SC and now GREENBURG, KS has been wiped out. Out of all the towns, this seems it must be more than coincidence.

  2. I never even gave it any thought.
    I see this as just the start and more and more of this will come in like a flood and drown this once great nation.
    It's the way of all empires which become arrogant and forget God.
    Judgment begins with God's people and thess Burg's are the heart of America's bible belt.
    Sometimes when we look too hard for the forrest we miss the tree in front of us.
    A one and a hlf mile wide tornado
    which wipes out a whole town is a message from God and because it hit a day after Bush and Rice lifted Israel,Jerusalem to smash, God smashed a small town in our nation.
    Because Bush is a blind fool who has heardened his heart ,his next lifting of Jerusalme will be met more severely upon our country.
    We can take Zechariah 12 ;3's cut in pieces for real.
    God said it and Bush ignores the warning .
    What else can we expect.


  3. You are right, America has always been a great nation, it has been Mystery, Babylon the Great since its inception on July 4 1776.

    America, like all earthly kingdoms of men was esablished and has been maintaned by the use of the carnal sword, in the name of Jesus Christ. It is antichrist.

    Jesus Christ on His first coming said this: "My kingdom is not of this world or my servents would fight so that I would not be delivered to the jews." and this: "Anyone who wishes to come after me must deny himself and pick up his CROSS daily and follow after me."

    What is the cross of Jesus Christ?
    * Love your enemies.
    * Do good to those who hate you.
    * Pray for those that despitefully use you.
    * Resist NOT evil.
    * Turn the other cheek.

    Has America ever abided in even one of these heavenly kingdom principles?

    The correct answer is NO.

    Jesus Christ called His true believers to come out of the world, to not be conformed to this world or its cares, to be seperate from the world as strangers and pilgrims in a foreign land, you see, as true believers in Christ we must have our hearts set to truely proclaim that our kingdom is not of this world. God has not and will not bless America, it is and always has been in complete opposition to the cross of Jesus Christ.

    When Jesus said to Peter in the garden of Gethsemine, "Put your sword back into its place, for those who live by the sword will perish by the sword". Meaning simply that anyone that is willing to kill another person to protect his or her rights to life, liberty and their persuit of happieness, will perish by their use of the carnal sword eternally in hell, weather they bore the sword themselves or voted someone into office that would do it for them.

    The words that Jesus spoke to Peter that night: "Put your sword back into its place, for those that live by the sword will perish by the sword", were Jesus handing Peter the Keys to the Kingdom of heaven. Put your carnal sword back into its place for it has no part in the in the Kingdom of heaven.

    The earthly nation of Isreal that exsists today was established by the same carnal sword that ALL earthly nations have been established by. It is a counterfiet of the true heavenly kindom Isreal that is hidden with God in Christ.

    It is the cross vs the sword. Are you ready to pick up your cross of heavenly kingdom principles and abide in them daily? Then stop wasting what little time is left trying to save earthly kingdoms that have been numberd and finnished by God. Set your eyes on the kingdom of God that will appear at the second comming of His Son, Jesus Christ, it is reserved for Him only to establish the kingdom of God on the earth, not for a church that is blinded with its adulterous idolatry for America and Isreal.

    Come out of her my people!

  4. Il like alot of what you wrote but you seem to have missed the boat as it relates to Israel and Jesus' plan for His people.
    Don't forget that He will personally bathe his sword in the blood of Israel's enemies as will those saints who return with Him.
    Jesus is even now setting the trap for all the nations to unite and come against Israel to judge them all in the Valley of Jehoshaphat.
    (God is Judge)
    If you have been decieved about Israel's place in God's agenda please read Romans 11 humbly and prayerfully.

  5. Thank you for responding! What has been missed by the vast majority of the proffessing church and obviousely by you Marcel, is that the TRUE Israel at this time is a heavenly kingdom, seen only by those who have accepted the Lords watering of being willing to carry THEIR own crosses. That is what it takes to be born of water, first being born again of the spirit but then growing in the Lord through the watering of our souls by the carrying of the cross that the Lord has appointed us, those heavenly kingdom principles spoken of in an earlier comment.

    John 3:3 Jesus answered and said unto him, verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again he CAN NOT SEE the kingdom of heaven.

    John 3:5 Jesus answered verily,verily, I say unto thee,EXCEPT A MAN BE BORN OF WATER (which is much about the cross of the believer, meaning the leading and the watering of the Holy Spirit so as to carry one's own cross and to follow Jesus Christ.)and of the Spirit(which is about accepting the work done by Jesus Christ on the cross and His ressurection), He cannot enter into the kingdom of God.

    Marcel, if you see the present day earthly nation of Israel as the chosen people of God, then my friend you have missed the boat as concerns Israel. The true Israel at this time is a spiritual kingdom, a heavenly kingdom, again seen only by those that have accepted the watering of carrying their own crosses.

    Now Marcel, seeing as though the Israel that you visited in 77 was when you were with the Air Force(who is the prince of the power of the air?) it hardly stands to reason that it is the same Israel that is spoken of "above" the Israel that is "above" is again NOT an earthly kingdom at this time, it is the spiritual heavenly kingdom of God, His true chosen nation, that can only be seen by those with spiritual eyes. It can not be seen by those with eyes like the eyes of man Dan 7:8. You will not see this Israel on the news.

    Those with eyes like the eyes of man will continue to believe that they must stand by the earthly kingdom of Israel as if in doing so they will be standing with God, that is false doctrine, just as false and demonic as Americas claim of being "One Nation Under God".

    P.S. If you have been decieved about Israels place in Gods agenda, please read Romans 11 humbly and prayerfully.

  6. Tony ,it is easy for you to get it wrong.You are quick to see only what you want to see,also quick to judge wrongly.

    You already have a built in bias and arrogance against the root,NATURAL Israel without which spiritual Israel would not exist .
    They are NOT SEPERATE or seperatable as you wrongly assume.
    After I got out of the Air Farce in 76',I traveled on my own thru Europe and ended up in Israel.
    I've been back many,many times since.
    You have more in comon with the enemies of God, Islam and the Aryian nation,Replacement and Christian identity movement than you have with me and those who pray for and stand with Israel, when you remove any significance of natural Israel today.
    your air of pride and superiority over the natural root Israel which God has returned to the land He gave them is a manifistation of Lucifer glazed over with much religion and spiritual pride.
    You have beem warned of your serious and grevious error.

  7. Hi Marcel,

    Number one, God did not deliver the Jews into the promised land of present day Israel, America and her allies did in World War II.If you see America as Babylon the Great,then why would a Nation that Babylon the Great helped to establish be a place that you would care to stand in at this time?

    Natural man receives not the things of the Spirit of God.

    Jerusalem which is above is the mother of us all(through Isaac the child of the promise by faith.)This is the Jerusalem we are called to abide in as heavenly kingdom citizens at this time.

    Jerusalem which is below is Hagar and is in bondage(Through Ishmael)It was established in the name of making the world safe for democracy. Democracy comes forth from the philosophies and teachings of natural man, men seeking after their natural birth rights. These teachings were offered to mankind by the god of nature, (as he is referred to in the Declaration of Independence of the United States of America)the god of this world, Satan.

    If anyone cares to take an honest look at what the situation is here, it is clear to see that the two Israels are completely separate.

    *Natural(in bondage to Satan)

    *Spiritual(hidden with God in Christ)

    With love in Christ,


  8. Tony,
    you're wrong and have been decieved.
    Some years back on another forum there was a fellow by the name of Wael who would quote ceritain halves of scripture to prove his point as you do about Israel.

    I exposed his devious satanic use of parts of scripture to exclude natural Israel and he scurried away into the night like all cockaroaches when the light shines on them.
    I notice that you ignore scripture that does not line up with your delusion just as Walid did.
    Are you a moslem who know the bible like Walid was ?
    I will not argue with you on natural Israel as you choose lies and darkness rather than the truth.
    Best wishes,

  9. Marcel,

    Do not flatter yourself and think that your shallow responses could ever send me scurrying for any wall. You may call these words harsh or judgmental but they are nowhere near the harsh judgment from THE LORD that is coming upon the harlotries that you endorse.

    You glorify a woman by the name of Nili in one of the articles on your website called “Israel’s Faithful Remnant”, she and others that she is boasting about and that you are so proud to be endorsing, “coming ready to fight” against the powers that be. Well Marcel, that is NOT of The LORD.

    Does what those Israeli’s did that day exemplify the cross of Jesus Christ?
    • Resist NOT evil.
    • TURN the other cheek.
    • Bless those that curse you.
    • Pray for those that despitefully use you.
    • LOVE your enemies.

    And you want to glorify their actions?

    Come let us reason, says the Lord. Let’s not call each other names like cockroaches.

    You say that what I have shared with you up to this point are lies. Well, step up to bat and point out one lie. Up until now you have not done so, you have just spouted empty words that have fallen like dung to the ground. I am not here to argue with you. I am called, chosen and faithful. I am 1,000 % sure of THE TRUTH that I stand in.

    You are carelessly encouraging others to continue stumbling upon the path that you and the harlot church has chosen, that of defending the dead earthly nation of Israel that was established by the carnal sword of Babylon the Great.

    It is you that has been warned.

    Good day.

  10. Marcel,
    I believe that the Kansas tornadoes were a judgment of God, but it probably had more do with the coverup of child rapes by abortion clinics.Kansas voters voted out the attorney general who was on a crusade to expose this evil.

    The historic fact that America and her allies brought Israel into the land does not refute the premise that God brought them in. I actually proves that God brought the Jews back to the land.

    Isaiah 60 describes the restoration of Israel. In verses 9 that foreigners will bring in the Jews from a far. Specifically the "coastlands" are mentioned. This is taken by most reputable scholars as a generic reference to distant parts of the earth, which would have included western Europe and America. The history of Israeli resettlement fits what the Scripture says concerning the restoration of the Jews, which is a work still in progress

    By the way, Mystery Babylon is a network of occultists and international bankers/transnational corporations rather than a nation.

  11. Dallas,
    The wickednes of Ameirca has reached to the heavens indeed ,but Zecharian 12;3 has a special message fro those like our president,country which meddles in His affairs realted to Israel/Jerusalem.
    The majority of Christians are clueless to Gods warning to cut in pieces those who meddle with Jerisalem.

    America and most Americanized Christians suffer from terminal arrogance. They actually think it is they who keeps Israel when in fact america is in the forefront of Saatan's dividing up of Israel.
    You are wrong about mystery Babylon.
    It is the land and the people just as it was under the first Babylon.
    Buyers,sellers,ect. are mentioned ,thats you and me unless you stopped shoppping and selling ?

  12. I fully agree that there is a sword hanging over America and I fully agree that God is angry with America because she has turned her back on Israel. However, I believe that God's anger over the butchery of 50 million children and complicity in the butchery of over 1 billion children is the immediate ground for judgment. America' s previous support for Israel may very well been the mitigating factor that stayed judgment. Now with that gone the judgment is starting to fall.

    Jer 50-51 clearly defined the land of Babylon as Chaldea, which is in Iraq. The only Babylon that can be applied to America is Babylon as the symbol of a religious and economic system. This system is international but has as her cultural and economic base institutions based in America and western Europe. When Mystery Babylon is destroyed America will collapse

    America will soon face judgment. God will use The Ten Horned Islamist Empire to judge America

  13. "However, I believe that God's anger over the butchery of 50 million children and complicity in the butchery of over 1 billion children is the immediate ground for judgment."
    Dallas ,I strongly agree with you.
    Lovers of pleasure kill their babies, lovers of God do not.
    America and the church have turned their backs on God and now only honor Him with their lips ,but their hearts are far from Him.

    The delusion has swallowed up the whole people/nation.
    "The only Babylon that can be applied to America is Babylon as the symbol of a religious and economic system.""

    You left out MILITARY and where is the greatest part of America's military located.
    We also see U.S. bases cover the face of the earth ,truly an international world leader and has been superpower in decline ,at the end of her lofty ascendence.
    The fall will be furiously fast !!!

    Who is the real power today in Babylon ,who holds the title of Commander in Chief ?
    This person is the present King of Babylon.
    Malali is only a powerless shiite political figurehead.
    Now the King of Babylon battles the congress to maintain his permanent hold on Iraq.
    The devil has glued him there for JUDGMENT and there is no escape ,not even from Congress or Senate.
    Babylon has always been associated with God's judgment and He has shown me by His word that this is the real reason America is there.

    Amazing how the MAJORITY of Christians have bitten into the 'noble lie' of this president of why the U.S. is way over there when our nation is drowning in crime perversion corruption,rot,decay ect.
    I read today that Iran is perparing for a summer offensive to defeat the u.S. in Iraq with Syria's and every moslems help.

    This is the place where America's military power is destroyed.
    I'm afraid we are at the door and our stupid leaders have fallen into the trap God has set.
    When God judges a nation ,He makes her leaders idiots.
    We are there for sure.
