Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Little Olmert and the Big Picture

Ex Israeli leaders Rabin,Barak,Netanyahu and Sharon are all equal to Olmert in their servitude to the U.S. led phony peace agenda which weaken's and endangers Israel.
Not one Israeli leader has been capable of saying no to suicidal U.S. policy for Israel since Yitzak Shamir was Prime Minister.
Only weak lap dogs and corrupt politicians are allowed into the arena of power in Israel.
Any leader loyal to God or Israel is demonized by the dark powers that pull the strings behind the curtain.

This is why Israel has not been permitted to defeat the Palestinians or Hezbollah
under the illusion of peace.
Israel could not be defeated by war and so Satan and his minions decided to use the lie of peace to destroy Israel.
It's working !
The Arabs look bad after five losses in five wars and so the U.S. restrain's Israel and props up a weak and defeatist Israeli leader like Olmert.
The U.S. will not permit a strong Israeli leader that does not bow to Washington.

P.M. Olmert was just a loyal lap dog of FAILED U.S policy.
How many more in Israel will die for the corrupt U.S agenda which intends to plant a terrorist led Palestinian state on Jewish land ?
President Bush gave his puppet Olmert the O.K. for a limited air war and when that failed he gave puppet Olmert permission to send the IDF for a short period.
When Egypt and Saudi Arabia pressured Bush to restrain Israel into retreat ,Rice sent Olmert the messagre to stop the IDF advance to the Litani river.
Israel was led to lose by U.S. trampling of her sovereignty under a weak puppet leader.
The U.N ceasefire was led by the U.S. and little france and limited Israel's time for any real victory.
You better wake up and reject any Israeli politican who bows his knee to this devious Idol in the west.
America will not save you Israel. Seek God while you are able.


  1. How can the world be so blind to Islam? What is it going take to wake up!! I really wonder how many people are actually born a new in Yeshua and get it!!! I hope you never get tired of posting...

  2. Jesus said He is the Light of the World. Those who do not follow Him walk in darkness and are incapable of seeing because they rely on their own LIMITED understanding.
    Thank God for giving His own Light to walk by in these darkest of days.
    Blind sheep trust in corrupt men to lead them and fall into the pit with their idols.
    Bush is an idol to many Christian's who are decieved and headed for destruction because they left their first Love.
    It's going to grow even darker before Jesus return ,and return HE WILL.
