Tuesday, May 22, 2007

When Incompetent Idiots Lie..

It's easy to tell.

When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn
Prov 29:2

.............To put it into proper perspective, the missing cargo consists of about twice as much nitrate based fertilizer that was used in the 1995 bombing of the Murrah Building that killed 168 people and 3 unborn children. Also noteworthy is the fact that about 1500 pounds of nitrate based fertilizer, about one-seventh of the missing cargo, was used in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing that killed 6 people and injured over a thousand more.
As Sunday turned into Monday, the fertilizer turned into shop vacs. Apparently, according to law enforcement sources, there was never any fertilizer so there is absolutely no public danger, unless you are unfortunate enough to allow a vital appendage to be sucked into one of the wayward high powered vacuums.
In an attempt to determine fact from fiction, the Northeast Intelligence Network contacted law enforcement sources and a variety of other sources in and around Los Angeles. None of the “official spokespersons” for the law enforcement agencies involved in this case would comment on the matter or explain how such a mix-up concerning the cargo of the truck could have occurred, especially for the length of time that it did.
After exhausting all of the official law enforcement channels, I contacted the Home Depot store in Tracy, California – the intended customer of the fertilizer. I spoke with three different people holding different positions in the store, all who have knowledge of such deliveries. Unsurprisingly, no one would go on record about the delivery of the fertilizer to their garden department. I did, however, manage to learn two things from these unlikely sources:
First, if you are in the market for a shop vac, they have plenty in stock. Secondly, if you need bags of nitrate based fertilizer, you might want to check with another store.

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