Tuesday, July 17, 2007


What the Republican and Democrat, CFR ,New World Order followers of Satan's agenda are doing is reducing America to a third world nation and the majority of people have been successfully dombed down, clueless that they are the frogs in the now boiling pot of water.But then ,this is part of God's judgment on our nation and we cannot stop it because there is no true repentance or turning to Him.
The leader ,the useful clay pot is just doing what his evil ,stubborn heart leads him to do,follow after destruction.

Only fools and corpses don’t change their minds.
Yet, the United States, in its ignorance and/or arrogance continues adding in excess of one million legal and one million illegal people annually. Most originate from third world countries and cultures. Illegals and millions of legal immigrants feel no need to assimilate into our culture or language.
As shown by immigrant medical doctors from the Middle East attempting to blow up London last week, or gang rapes by Middle Eastern immigrants in Sweden on a weekly basis, or riots and bombings in France and Spain by disgruntled immigrants, or Theo Van Gogh being knifed to death for directing at 15 minute movie written by Hirsi Ali in Holland, or one immigrant screaming that England would “fall to Islam” in the near future—how many clues does Western civilization need before it awakens?
Further evidence: last month in New Jersey, the Fort Dix Six, all immigrants, both legal and illegal, some living here for 20 years, made plans to “kill as many U.S. soldiers on base as possible” before they were killed.
I wrote a column about it. A Muslim doctor declared, "Frosty's disregard for the Great Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be upon Him) qualifies him for an appropriate Fetua (religious decree) that Muslim scholars need to enact to deal with this individual." In other words, Dr. Miraki wants me killed for my freedom of speech rights under the U.S. Constitution.

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