Sunday, July 01, 2007

Freedom,Independence ?

And He said to them, “You are those who justify yourselves before men, but God knows your hearts. For what is highly esteemed among men is an abomination in the sight of God.Luke 16:15

Righteousness exalts a nation, But sin is a reproach to any people.Prov 14:34

How can a nation heavily laden down with sin be free ?
We have become enslaved by sin and are no longer free or independent.
This is the truth that the Laodecian church in America has refused to face.
Too negative ,it won't sell well to the pleasure driven sheep ,so the truth is rejected and those who should be crying are celebratring.

Celebrating what ? Our soon coming destruction ?
Because unlike what your positive feel good preachers says, God does judge wickedness.

The 501c3 chruch has lost it's savor.

Last week I heard a not so surprising news report from the secular media.
Rudolph Juliani spoke at Pat robertsons 'christian' Regents University and recieved a standing ovation.
The merger between the church and the evil world system has come a long way with the help of Mr. Robertson.

The hype and reverence for motherland is blaring loud this July 4th holiday season.
Even with all the rampant lawlessness and evil,the positive side must cover up the mountain of negative,the evil wich has overcome this nation.

It's not working,at least God is not decieved by the religious spin and deception.
We should be in mourning and in sackcloth and ashes ,but instead we celebrate and party.


The decieved pastors encourage thankfulness and pride for our freedom and independence.
You don't hear a word about a wicked nation turning away from her evil ways and repenting ,it's all positive feel good lies and deception.
I caught about 30 seconds of popular pastor Charles Stanley walking to the podium with a monsterou U.S. flag in the background.
The big idol has a way of uniting the decieved masses who do not truly seek the Kingdom of God but are content with this filthy, freedom to sin nation.
If they told their sheep the truth they'd be out of a good paying job and this is the one thing they protect above all.
It's sad to see the religious hirelings feed the sheep what they want to hear not what they need to hear.


  1. We are not 'free'. and I do not mean in the context of a nation full of sin. Name ANY nation that does not sin? They all do. America is not unique in that respect.

    However, as we see, the wicked lie of 'Christian America' continues.

    Only Christ can free men from the wages of sin, but even accepting Christ does not ban sin from one's life. We just become aware of it and it's effects and gain power to overcome them.

    The 'nation' cannot repent. The people of God CAN, and that's where the focus should be. But they love their idol America more than God.

    We have less 'freedom' than at any time in our history, even in the dark years of WW2. Every day another freedom is lost in the name of protection. The shepherds and their sheep continue to celebrate their bondage. It is worse than Israel in Egypt. At LEAST they understood they were slaves.

    Funny how people with plenty of money seem to scream loudest about 'freedom'. That's cuz money DOES buy freedom here. The single mom working two jobs barely feeding her hungry kids does not feel so 'free'.

    Why is everyone scared to say that? I'm not scared. The truth hurts.


  2. Case in point: Now you can't take pictures in NYC anymore.

    WHAT are we celebrating exactly? The list of things we CANNOT do anymore is longer than the list of things we still CAN.

    But notice what they'll NEVER ban? Overwork and consumer borrowing. Those will never be illegal, EVER. You can work and spend. That is the extent of your 'freedom'.


  3. Funny how people with plenty of money seem to scream loudest about 'freedom'. That's cuz money DOES buy freedom here.

    They are the champions of a false gospel and so are it's best salesmen and sales women.

    I'm not buying their lie,Praise God.
    The truth set me free from this one of many lies.

    "ut notice what they'll NEVER ban? Overwork and consumer borrowing. Those will never be illegal, EVER. You can work and spend. That is the extent of your 'freedom'."

    Like well trained rats in a maze.
