Monday, July 23, 2007

Tony Blair's ISRAEL Welcome

It's going to get progressivly worse for all those nations who divide up Israel
under their false peace plan.

I heard a report that the home town of Harry Potter creator J.K rOWLING is under water,as is much of Britan.
Her occult book's which poisons the souls of children has outsold all other books.
Judgment falls ,mercy retreats.


  1. Yeah, that Potter stuff even freaked me a bit. The rain started the night the last book was released.

    They aren't even that good, really. *You* could write better. It's almost like they have a demonic taint that makes them seem larger than life. NOBODY goes that crazy over a children's book. Heck, Steven KING doesn't get that kind of press, and he is well-established and a better writer.

    This is truly the generation to worship the Beast.


  2. The alphabet media plugged it religiously for a week,day and night.
    It's easy to spot the J.K.Rowlings who have made a deal with the devil.
    This has most definetely shown how God and His truth are rejected and now replaced with the devils witchcraft ,occult.
    The children have been prepared.
    The anti-christ's causing craft to increase is right here.

  3. Even in Israel they broke their sabbath to gedt the book out to the children.
    The more they have gone out of their way to immitate the nations the more they are hated by the nations.
