Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Pearl Harbor II

This Warning Order on Russia strikes home with me.
While the media keeps us busy with O.J.,Britany, Foolball and other pablum
Russia is again behaving like the threat she always was.
Our leaders are clueless with their focus on Iran and Iraq not aware of the imminent danger coming from the ones pushing their pawns (N.Korea,Syria,Iran) buttons.
It looks like we are about to be suckerpunched with our head turned away.
President Bush would never expect his pooty poot pal Putin to launch a nuclear attack on the U.S. under the cover of military exercises right off our coast line.
In one hour Babylon is destroyed.
Russian and China will not allow the U.S. to attack Iran as they did with Iraq & Afghanistan.
This is a reality which the experts,writers and pundit's all seem to overlook and
I think thats why Iran's Amadinejad is so cocky,he knows what coming.
He did say it loud and clear a few years back that Iran would not wait to be attacked.
Russia is already in the air to take care of the U.S. homefront when Iran sneak attacks our Iraqi bases and naval fleet in the Persian Gulf.
China is ready also.

Accordingly, these Russian exercises can and should be viewed as "Warning Order" exercises which could be executed against the Continental United States and our allies imminently - even during the execution of the announced “exercises” themselves. In that case the exercise would no longer be an exercise, but a real-world pre-emptive nuclear strike by Russian cruise missiles.
It is important to point out that all military forces exercise such capabilities for a variety of reasons. One of the primary reasons, however, is to be able to execute such a mission as effectively as possible when such an order is issued. In August, Moscow announced that flights by strategic bombers have not only resumed, but would continue to be flown on a permanent basis. According to intelligence sources, Russian aircraft equipped with cruise missiles could strike between 172 - 192 target locations (depending upon their weapon configuration) inside the U.S. with little warning. They appear to be flying sorties to forward launch points prior to the exercise, then are refueled in -flight to get them within range of the Continental U.S., but remain just outside of our air defense envelope to enable a launch followed by escape and evade back to their home bases.
In September 2006 Russian strategic aviation conducted simulated nuclear strikes within the contiguous territory of the Russian Federation. That exercise reportedly involved 60 long-range bombers of the same variants seen airborne in the exercise currently in progress. The difference is that in the exercise of 3 and 4 September, as well as the current 18-21 September exercise, the targets of the nuclear cruise missiles are not within Russian territory but are in fact once again real-world locations within the continental United States. To my knowledge, exercises of this scale with massed strategic, long-range aircraft of 12 or more in a single sortie, accompanied by long-range refueling aircraft, over a period of several days and in such a configuration that the Russian aircraft aloft could strike a couple hundred U.S. cities, military targets and infrastructure with 200kt nuclear weapons evokes images of a modern day, albeit nuclear, ‘Pearl Harbor.’
This is inherently dangerous business. In fact, it is my opinion that such exercises are a direct threat of nuclear warfare against our homeland by Russia; there is no other way in which to view ‘exercises’ like these.

1 comment:

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