Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Church In Apostacy

for complete article ,see link above.

By definition, apostasy is the condition of those who once (in some
degree) embraced the truth, but have now abandoned or forsaken it.
Obviously, this applies only to professing Christians. Infidels,
agnostics, and unbelievers have no profession from which to

Accordingly, whether on a local or universal scale, before various men
of sin can seduce and deceive their respective societies, the Church
must first be in a state of apostasy. Saying it another way: churches
that are sound in the faith, strong in truth, and steadfast in the
Word serve as a resistance and retardant to evil men. No wonder the
Lord Jesus said we Christians are "the salt of the earth."

That said, I am personally convinced that, by and large, the churches
of America (regardless of denomination) are in a state of apostasy.
And as such, offer little or no resistance to the men of sin who seek
to seduce and deceive our people.

When a professing Christian President can openly acknowledge his
belief in universalism and attack the supreme doctrine of
Christianity, that Jesus Christ is the Creator-God become flesh, and
there is not an uproar of protestation and denunciation from pulpits
all over the country, the church is in a state of apostasy. And that
is exactly what has taken place.
Then, just a few days ago, President Bush, in an interview with Al
Arabiya television, said, "I believe in an almighty God, and I believe
that all the world, whether they be Muslim, Christian, or any other
religion, prays to the same God." In the same interview he said, "I
believe there is a universal God. I believe the God that the Muslim
prays to is the same God that I pray to. After all, we all came from
Abraham. I believe in that universality."
Obviously, George W. Bush is a universalist. His confession is not
that of a Christian, but that of a universalist. Any true Christian
knows that there is but one mediator between God and man: Christ
Jesus. Any true Christian knows that Jesus is the incarnate God--the
Creator-God become flesh. Any true Christian knows that Jesus and the
Father are one. Any true Christian knows that there is salvation in no
other name, no other god. Any true Christian knows that no one has
access to God except through Jesus Christ. Any true Christian knows
that there is no God other than Jesus: that Jesus is the fullness of
the Godhead bodily. That is Christianity 101.

With the above understanding and because President Bush claims to be a
Christian, his statements should be regarded by Christians everywhere
as an admission of apostasy and an attack upon the fundamental
doctrine of Christ. Yet, there has been no reaction. No admonishments.
No calls for repentance. No warnings to Christians to reject such
heresy. No protestations whatsoever. Why? There is only one answer:
the church itself is in a state of apostasy!

I will say it plainly: today's pastors and Christians seem to display
more loyalty and devotion to George W. Bush than they do to the Lord
Jesus Christ. This stands in stark contrast to Christians throughout
Church history.

Has the reader ever wondered why the early Christians were persecuted
by the Roman Empire? After all, the Roman Empire prided itself in
being one of the most tolerant and pluralistic of all societies.
People were free to worship any god they chose. There was complete
freedom of religion throughout the Empire. An old maxim said that
there were as many gods in Rome as there were people. Why, then, were
Christians singled out for persecution?

The reason Christians were persecuted while people of other beliefs
were not was not because they worshipped Jesus Christ. Obviously,
Jewish leaders persecuted the early Christians because of their hatred
of Jesus, which was due to the fact that He claimed to be their
Messiah and Savior--a claim they vehemently rejected. However, the
Roman Empire's persecution of Christians was for an entirely different

Rome persecuted Christians because they believed that Jesus Christ was
the ONLY God. Under Roman law, Caesar was a god, equal to any other
god. Therefore, to be a good Roman, one had to worship Caesar. If one
chose to worship another deity, it was fine. As long as he also bowed
to Caesar. This was something the early Christians could not and would
not do.

You see, from the very beginning of Church history, Christians
believed that Jesus Christ was not a way, He was THE way; not a truth,
but THE truth; not a god, but THE God. And for this declaration, for
this conviction, and for this belief, early Christians were
persecuted, imprisoned, and fed to hungry lions.

Yet today, the Church of Jesus Christ sits silent and still when the
President of the United States, himself a professing Christian,
publicly denies the central doctrine of Christ and embraces the pagan
doctrine of universalism. Again, there is only one explanation: the
Church is in a state of apostasy.

Of course, as apostasy spreads throughout the country, the men of sin
will increase in strength and number. They will aggressively seek to
seduce and deceive the people--something they are already doing.
Furthermore, our Lord already instructed us as to what would happen
when such a condition occurs. He told us that when "the salt have lost
his savour . . . it is thenceforth good for nothing, but to be cast
out, and to be trodden under foot of men." (Matt. 5:13)

No wonder Jesus asked the question, "Nevertheless, when the Son of man
cometh, shall he find faith on the earth?" (Luke 18:8) Finding faith
and truth in the midst of apostasy would seem to be the challenge for
every true child of God these days.

(c) Chuck Baldwin


  1. Good rant, Marcel, even if it's cribbed from Baldwin. Truth is truth.

    It is fascinating how we are IN the fulfillments of centuries old prophecies, and very few care. Oh, only as far as 'getting raptured' do they care, but Jesus said His Bride would have spot nor blemish. If the rapture happened now, only about nine people would go.

    No, I prolly would NOT be one. I have plenty of spot and blemish to account for. The point being that teaching is also part of the complacency we see. "Don't worry, we'll be taken before anything happens. Eat, drink, be merry, go shopping"

    Beyond loyalty to Caesar, it is also worship of this idol, America. The Pharisees have taught for years that 'America is Christian'. Therefore to be American is to be Christian, in many minds. This accounts for the relentless efforts to force works based morality on the nation, while neglecting such basics as was listed in the article.

    They seek to justify themselves by WORKS, but not their own, but by policing everyone else's. As though if the whole nation started 'being good' today, God would forestall judgment. Nix.

    It just shows if the leaders do not understand how salvation works, how can the people? Thus how can they preach justification by faith? It's all what you do and how you do it, not what Christ did and how it is all that saves us from damnation.

    By saying we are 'good' and the unsaved are 'bad', we're glorying in our own flesh, which is *pride*. Also undermining the work of Christ and taking credit for His shed blood. Dude, that's blasphemy, no matter how you reason it.

    But for God's grace and mercy every one of us would be unsaved. It isn't because you have 'tradititonal values', or don't sleep around, or don't drink or smoke or eat meat on Friday, or you 'tithe', or go to church, or whatever. It's because God CHOSE you to be saved, from the foundation of the world.

    He did the work before the world was even MADE. So how do we sit here and think we are better than anyone unsaved? Yes, our crap DOES stink.

    So, quite simply, the apostasy is a fruit of PRIDE. Since we're Americans, that's all it takes, cuz whatever America does God approves of, esp if a 'Christian leader' does it.

    America is SO toast, and it needs to happen, and soon. Selah..


  2. Baldwin is one of the few who have the courage to speak the truth when it is considered so taboo ,the 11th commandment.
    Thou shalt say nothing negative however truthful against our most cherished Idol Lord George.
    They have to cover up his dark sentences otherwise it exposes how wrong,blind and misguided they were from the start.
    Pride keep them on the sinking Titanic.

    God chose but we have our free will part to do daily.
    I don't look forward to 'it' happening but as Noah stood ,focused on the promises of God so must we keep our eyes on Him and not this dying world.

  3. This is not our home.

    The ones that want things to continue as is are showing where their treasure truly is.

    A believer that has their treasure in heaven can't see things moving fast enough. Why trade Babylon's false riches, with strings attached, for Gods true riches, which are free thru Christ?

    Babylon deceives them with shiny things and 'success' in this world, which is just idol worship by the back door.

    Idol worship was what got Israel judged. How much more us with much more light?

    God bless. Clock is ticking.


  4. It is not surprising considering that the very name 'church' is error.....
    If you haven't already, look up church/kirk/circe....... these are not what Ekklesia is.

    But, yes, AMEN to that article. Throughout history humans have made their alliance with other humans and not with God....
