Thursday, October 18, 2007

Telling Truth A Crime in America

FDA seizes $71k in herbal tea products as campaign of censorship against nutritional supplements continues
The FDA is well known for its censorship efforts against nutritional supplements. Earlier this year, the agency sent threatening letters to 29 cherry growers, warning them to remove all links to scientific literature describing the anti-inflammatory effects of phytonutrients found in cherries. Merely linking to such studies from a web page, the FDA warned, instantly transformed cherries into drugs requiring FDA approval. The FDA believes that the dissemination of scientific information about the health benefits of fruits, vegetables and plants simply cannot be tolerated.
The FDA has never threatened me to remove a single article I've written about the agency. You know why? Because if any of this went to court, all my evidence against the FDA would become a matter of public record. They'd rather ignore my work and tolerate the relatively small number of people who read this than take this public and risk it going national with a story of how the FDA tried to censor a free speech journalist. As much as NewsTarget has been hugely successful in the natural health industry, it's still barely a blip on the radar for mainstream America. Not even one in a hundred people are aware of this website or the importance of this information, and as long as Big Pharma owns Big Media, it's probably going to stay that way.

Accordingly, consider yourself fortunate to be among the very few people who are aware of what's really going on in our federal government. As Americans, we currently live under a system of medical tyranny. It is a system that insists on continuing disease among the population so that politically influential corporations can profit from disease, generation after generation. All cures are outlawed. Anything that actually works to prevent disease is censored. Medical pioneers who open clinics to cure cancer are arrested or run out of the country. Astonishingly, healing is a crime in these United States, and nutritional therapies that actually work will simply not be tolerated.

Charantea is simply the latest victim in an ongoing war against health-enhancing nutritional supplements being waged by the FDA / Big Pharma gang. Charantea was targeted precisely because their product actually works. While the FDA will openly tolerate useless synthetic vitamins (which are mostly made by pharmaceutical companies anyway), the rogue agency will not tolerate herbal products that actually work to cure cancer, halt diabetes, reverse heart disease or otherwise strip revenues from Big Pharma by eliminating disease.

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