Thursday, November 22, 2007

Israel Road Map Religion Pt.II

This Thanksgiving, Olmert is the Turkey

""When Ariel Sharon proposed unilateral withdrawal from Gaza, President Bush was disappointed. He had made it clear that there would be no concessions on Israel's part until there was a complete cessation of terrorism""
(benny elon's twisted lies)

Benny Alon you have made President Bush the Pope of Israel

You were lied to if you believe this ,or you are lying to us ?
The fact is that the president threatened Sharon when he came to Washington to get moving on his Road Map plan to dismember Israel starting with Gaza.
Have you forgotten that it is the Bush Road map to a Palestinian State and not the Ariel Sharon Road Map or the Olmert Road Map ?
Bush has never held the Palestinians accountable always making excuses for a weak Abbas and restraining Israel for taking any decisive military action.
Bush works for Israel's enemes makeing sure that Israel does not accomplish a decisive defeat against any Arab army ever again.
It is Bush and Rice who came to the rescue of Hezbollah after Olmert sent the IDF up to hte Litani River. That is when the US ,puny French led Ceasfire resolution was delivered to the UN to save hezbollah and stop the IDF.
Puppet Olmert did the bidding of his master Geroge then as he always does.
The Dark Truth, the US leads the pack of Wolves to destroy Israel and the so called Israel supporting bloc hold the evil wolf high on their pedestal to worship and protect from any critical assesment.
The sad reality is that Israel is the Turkey not Olmert he just hands the knife to the carver, Mr. Bush.
It is Israel which is the meaty feast to be carved up by the wolf who speaks with smoothwords as he drives his carving knife deeper and deeper into the heart of Israel.
The zionists Jews and supporters of Israel have failed miserably as they have coddled and stroked the back of htier wolf and protected him from all criticism.
These cowardly and deceived fools could only blame his secretary when it has always been the Bush Wolf who has craved stuffing his Palestinian state in the heart of what has always been Israel.

There are the few ,the minority who see the smoothtalking destroyer of Israel Bush for who he is.
His smoothwords drip like honey from his mouth as he buries the knife deeper into the heart of Israel.
The strong delusion is on so many Zionists and supporters of Israel who continue to make excuses for their smooth talking decietful wolf who masquerades as a smooth talking sheep.
Come on ,anyone not wearing blinder can see it is the blood sacrifice of Israel by the us. to the moon god allah .All the Islamic countries are invited to get a choice piece of Israel.
The expert at burning things, President Bush will supply the barbecue sauce.
Because Israel has no Choice ?
""When the United States extends an invitation, you respond and you respond positively""""
Micah Halpern
That's the problem in a nut shell .Spineless, faithless Jews who can not say no to their new god George.
They blame Condi when it is the vision and dream of George for his Islamic Plaestinian state on land ethnically cleansed of every Jew.
Is there anyone in Israel who can say NO ?

With me it started under Clinton and his evil restraint against Israel.
I was in Jerusalem at the Ariel hotel and heard the explosion of the Dan Bus (18 OR 21) at Sari Yisrael and Jaffa street.
I left J. K. and the tour group later and went to the scene of the Islamic palestinian suicide attack that killed so many innocent Jews.
I've got pictures of the aftermath and the candles they set up to honor the dead.
That is seared in my mind like nothing else.
After this I knew that God would begin to kill American citizens for restraining Israel from crushing this evil enemy.
The killing of American's began in earnest with 9/11 and in 2003 with Iraq and now our own soldiers are blown to pieces by moslems in Iraq. A taste of what we helped perpetrate on ISRAEL.
I hold our D & R leaders responsible .
I am convinced that it is God's litmus test for phony devious hypocrites who claim to have faith in Him while showing incredible out of this wold faith in their George.
They don't fool God and He know's thier doubleminded perfidiy.

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