Monday, November 19, 2007

Once Upon A Time,Again

Once upon a time not long ago there was a democratically elected leader whom the patriotic and religious people loved.
He could do no wrong and when he did his loyal supporters turned a blind eye and made excuses for him always going after his detractors.
Their great leader made laws to protect the Fatherland and oppress Jews.
The good German Christian's were silent and accepting of his actions.
All but a few stood with their Fuhrer.
They attacked any who would dare question their demigod or expose their good fatherly leader of the great nation for the evil man he was.
The leader had a way to mesmerize his people with grandiose and smooth words.

For the good of the Fatherland it was acceptable that someone else should suffer and the good German Christians went along.
It was the patriotic thing to do for ones country,especially in time of war.
Those Christians who stood up against this evil man were so few in number that they were easily silenced and the majority continued on with their religious hypocrisy while their leader tirelessly destroyed Israel in incubation.

Once upon a time there was an elected president of a great nation who assumed to carve up land that was not his to carve up and reward it to violent and evil people whose only goal was the annihilation of the Jewish people.

He passed laws to protect the Homeland and make the sheep feel safe while helping the Islamic destroyers of Israel at every oportunity for the good of the self centered Nation and the self centered and selfish people loved him for it.

This evil man spoke with smooth words and sincere expression's as he easily deceived even the very elect and wise ones.
He plied his false peace scheme against the Israel of God with very little opposition from Jews or Christians who were too eager to make excuses or cover for him or blame his Secretary or Ron Paul.

Those among God's servants who were idol worshipers were deceived by this wolf dressed as a smoothed wooled sheep.
This strong delusion was their judgment that they might be damned who love not the truth.
They refused to awaken when the watchmen yelled and shouted the warning.

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