Friday, December 28, 2007

Israel must do more for the peace

Fatah's flag has Israel no longer existing,the same Fatah led by Mahmoud Abbas whom President Bush calls a partner for peace.

We know what kind of peace the Wolf Bush is speaking of don't we ?

Under the leadership of President Bush and his phony Road Map peace plan the Palestinian's are always portrayed falsely as the victims while tiny outnumbered Israel is always protrayed as the occupier,aggressor ,bad guy.

This conspiracy is global in nature against Israel and the Jews and aims to complete the final solution agenda first attempted by Haman then Adolph Hitler with more success.
Number 3, George Bush is more diabolically clever and devious than any final solution plan to date.
This time haSatan is much more clever and devious and uses a charming,smooth talking,smiling man who speaks of bringing peace to Israel and the Jews.
Only his peace is Yasser Arafat's 'peace of the grave'
Sadly Israel is mesmerized and hyptnotized by this wolf who speaks like a lamb,frozen like a deer in the headlights of a fast oncoming semi.


Two unarmed and dead Jews,Thats the way Bush and Olmert like it 'for the peace' !
It turn's out the 2 murdered Israeli's were armed and shot back before they died.

Maybe if Israel does more for 'the peace' and all Jews move into barbed wire ringed ghettos the Palestinians will stop attacking them ?
Maybe if more land is surrendered and terrorists released from prison the Palestinian terrorist's will stop killing Jews for slaughter whom Olmert refuses to allow to have weapons to defend themselves.
He only supplies weapons to Palestinian terrorists who kill Jews
I wonder if they used weapons supplied to the Palestinian terrroists by president Bush or Puppet Olmert ?
I'll bet you these Palestinian terrorists KILLERS were just released by Quisling Olmert from prison to please his master Herr Bush.
cover up
If these Palestinian murderers were just released from prison and used weapons suplied by the Bush/Omert syndicate of destruction ,they will work hard to cover it up to keep the 'process' moving forwards.
Whats the big deal ,it's only two dead Jews and this is a small part of the painful sacrafice Israel must give to the god of(choose one) peace,no peace,imitation peace,some peace,lite peace,fake peace George.

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