Monday, December 03, 2007

Israel's Pathological Insanity

The superpower nation leads the Quartet to dismember Israel under a fake peace.
Blindly following the US pied piper to their own destruction is another holocuast generation having learned nothing.
It is the globalist agenda Road Map final solution which aims to correct their mistake of permitting Israel to become a nation in 1948 and Israel still dosen't get it.
Could they really be this stupid or have they been drugged enmasse ?

Bush is a skull and bones globalist who treacherously betrays Israel with a feigned smile.
Wake up Jews ,the cattle cars are moving in one direction only for you.
Under the fumes of the false peace final solution Road Map Israel has become mad.
The insanity grips the nation from top to bottom.
There is no longer any rational thought, just rampant stupidity and knee jerk madness
when it comes to Israel and the evil process which has bewitched them.
There is nothing the Jewish people will not do for their god of no-peace President Bush.
If he tells Israel to commit mass suicide for lies they oblige him with eyes glazed in servitude.
A nation of Idol worshipers expect peace as the end result of their madness for their IDOL George's Road Map ?
Make no mistake about it ,this Road Map is the idol you serve religiously.
Better snap out of your madness ,and soon !


  1. Hey Marcel. Do you check Debka? It appears that President Bush has changed his mind on Iran and this leaves Israel alone to face the Iran. God help us.

  2. shummer ,I never recieved the email heads up on your post here of Dec 5.
    I happened to see it here at my blog.
    I don't know what's with google ?

    I just posted something that does not agree that Bush has changed his mind
